Abbreviated Company Accounts - HOMECARERS (LIVERPOOL) LIMITED

Abbreviated Company Accounts - HOMECARERS (LIVERPOOL) LIMITED

Registered Number 03729978


Abbreviated Accounts

31 August 2014

HOMECARERS (LIVERPOOL) LIMITED Registered Number 03729978

Abbreviated Balance Sheet as at 31 August 2014

Notes 2014 2013
£ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 2 59,001 67,162
59,001 67,162
Current assets
Stocks 500 350
Debtors 321,609 253,998
Cash at bank and in hand 45,813 138,403
367,922 392,751
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (332,875) (292,625)
Net current assets (liabilities) 35,047 100,126
Total assets less current liabilities 94,048 167,288
Provisions for liabilities (7,694) (8,600)
Total net assets (liabilities) 86,354 158,688
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2 2
Revaluation reserve 24,435 24,435
Profit and loss account 61,917 134,251
Shareholders' funds 86,354 158,688
  • For the year ending 31 August 2014 the company was entitled to exemption under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.
  • The members have not required the company to obtain an audit in accordance with section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of accounts.
  • These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

Approved by the Board on 29 May 2015

And signed on their behalf by:
Mrs Karen Janet Caffrey, Director

HOMECARERS (LIVERPOOL) LIMITED Registered Number 03729978

Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts for the period ended 31 August 2014

1Accounting Policies

Basis of measurement and preparation of accounts
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities effective April 2008.

Turnover policy
Turnover represents amounts chargeable in respect of the sale of goods and services to customers.

Tangible assets depreciation policy
Depreciation is provided on tangible fixed assets so as to write off the cost or valuation, less any estimated residual value, over their expected useful economic life as follows:

Plant and Machinery - 25% Reducing Balance Basis.
Fixtures and Fittings - 25% Reducing Balance Basis.
Motor Vehicles - 25% Reducing Balance Basis.
Office Equipment - 25% Reducing Balance Basis.
Other Tangible Fixed Assets - 25% Reducing Balance Basis.

Intangible assets amortisation policy
Goodwill is amortised over its useful economic life on a straight line basis over ten years.

Goodwill - 10% On Cost.

2Tangible fixed assets
At 1 September 2013 336,072
Additions 9,955
Disposals -
Revaluations -
Transfers -
At 31 August 2014 346,027
At 1 September 2013 268,910
Charge for the year 18,116
On disposals -
At 31 August 2014 287,026
Net book values
At 31 August 2014 59,001
At 31 August 2013 67,162

3Transactions with directors

Name of director receiving advance or credit: Mrs Karen Janet Caffrey
Description of the transaction: DLA
Balance at 1 September 2013: £ 906
Advances or credits made: £ 333
Advances or credits repaid: -
Balance at 31 August 2014: £ 1,239

The company owes Mr & Mrs Caffrey, on which no interest has been charged.

During the year the company made the following related party transaction:

Mr & Mrs Caffrey (Shareholders) - The premises the company trades from is owned by the shareholders. Included in the rent shown in the accounts is an amount of £48,000 paid to the shareholders. At the balance sheet date the amount due to Mr & Mrs Caffrey was £nil (2013 - £nil).

The company is controlled by the director who owns 100% of the called up share capital.