Abbreviated Company Accounts - PLUS44 HOLDINGS LTD

Abbreviated Company Accounts - PLUS44 HOLDINGS LTD

Registered Number 08751708


Abbreviated Accounts

31 October 2015

PLUS44 HOLDINGS LTD Registered Number 08751708

Abbreviated Balance Sheet as at 31 October 2015

Notes 2015 2014
£ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 2 6,584 123
6,584 123
Current assets
Debtors 7,262 1,430
Cash at bank and in hand 68,979 12,661
76,241 14,091
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (65,180) (28,753)
Net current assets (liabilities) 11,061 (14,662)
Total assets less current liabilities 17,645 (14,539)
Total net assets (liabilities) 17,645 (14,539)
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 3 252 200
Share premium account 321,503 -
Profit and loss account (304,110) (14,739)
Shareholders' funds 17,645 (14,539)
  • For the year ending 31 October 2015 the company was entitled to exemption under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.
  • The members have not required the company to obtain an audit in accordance with section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of accounts.
  • These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

Approved by the Board on 28 July 2016

And signed on their behalf by:
C Munnik, Director

PLUS44 HOLDINGS LTD Registered Number 08751708

Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts for the period ended 31 October 2015

1Accounting Policies

Basis of measurement and preparation of accounts
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities effective April 2008.

Turnover policy
Turnover represents amounts receivable for goods and services net of VAT. The total turnover of the company for the 31 October 2015 has been derived from its principal activities.

Tangible assets depreciation policy
Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets, at rates calculated to write off the cost less estimated residual value of each asset over its expected useful life, as follows:

Computer equipment: 33 % straight line

Other accounting policies
Foreign currencies
Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded using the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction (or, if hedged forward, at the rate of exchange under the related forward currency contract). Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated using the contracted rate or the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date and the gains or losses on translation are included in the profit and loss account.

The charge for taxation is based on the loss for the year and takes into account taxation deferred because of timing differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes.
Deferred tax is recognised, without discounting, in respect of all timing differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes which have arisen but not reversed by the balance sheet date, except as otherwise required by FRS 19.

2Tangible fixed assets
At 1 November 2014 150
Additions 7,641
Disposals -
Revaluations -
Transfers -
At 31 October 2015 7,791
At 1 November 2014 27
Charge for the year 1,180
On disposals -
At 31 October 2015 1,207
Net book values
At 31 October 2015 6,584
At 31 October 2014 123
3Called Up Share Capital
Allotted, called up and fully paid:
0 Ordinary shares of £0.01 each (20,000 shares for 2014) 0 200
2,401,047 Ordinary shares of £0.0001 each (0 shares for 2014) 240 0
114,604 Deferred shares of £0.0001 each (0 shares for 2014) 11 0

On 10 February 2015, there was a subdivision of 20,000 Ordinary shares at £0.01 each into 2,000,000 Ordinary shares at £0.0001 each.

On 10 February 2015, there was an allotment of 494,621 Ordinary shares at £0.0001 each, resulting in a share premium of £321,503.

On 2 April 2015, there was an allotment of 21,030 Ordinary shares at £0.0001 each.

On 16 July 2015, there was a change of name designation of 114,604 Ordinary shares at £0.0001 each into 114,604 Deferred shares at £0.0001 each.

4Transactions with directors

Name of director receiving advance or credit: F Kearney
Description of the transaction: DLA
Balance at 1 November 2014: -
Advances or credits made: £ 1,968
Advances or credits repaid: -
Balance at 31 October 2015: £ 1,968

There was no interest charged on this balance and there was no term for repayment.