Abbreviated Company Accounts - RUFUS HOUSE PROPERTIES LIMITED

Abbreviated Company Accounts - RUFUS HOUSE PROPERTIES LIMITED

Registered Number 05225790


Abbreviated Accounts

30 September 2016


Abbreviated Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2016

Notes 30/09/2016 31/03/2015
£ £
Current assets
Debtors 4,018,500 -
Cash at bank and in hand 203 253
4,018,703 253
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (3,980,206) (549)
Net current assets (liabilities) 38,497 (296)
Total assets less current liabilities 38,497 (296)
Total net assets (liabilities) 38,497 (296)
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2 2 2
Profit and loss account 38,495 (298)
Shareholders' funds 38,497 (296)
  • For the year ending 30 September 2016 the company was entitled to exemption under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.
  • The members have not required the company to obtain an audit in accordance with section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of accounts.
  • These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

Approved by the Board on 29 June 2017

And signed on their behalf by:
Mr Steven Mansour, Director


Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts for the period ended 30 September 2016

1Accounting Policies

Basis of measurement and preparation of accounts
The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis.

The financial statements are prepared in sterling, which is the functional currency of the entity.

Other accounting policies
Income tax

The taxation expense represents the aggregate amount of current and deferred tax recognised in the reporting period. Tax is recognised in profit or loss, except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity. In this case, tax is recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, respectively.

Current tax is recognised on taxable profit for the current and past periods. Current tax is measured at the amounts of tax expected to pay or recover using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.

Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences at the reporting date. Unrelieved tax losses and other deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that they will be recovered against the reversal of deferred tax liabilities or other future taxable profits. Deferred tax is measured using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date that are expected to apply to the reversal of the timing difference.

Foreign currencies

Foreign currency transactions are initially recorded in the functional currency, by applying the spot exchange rate as at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at the reporting date, with any gains or losses being taken to the profit and loss account.

Financial instruments

Financial instruments are classified and accounted for, according to the substance of the contractual arrangement, as either financial assets, financial liabilities or equity instruments. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the company after deducting all of its liabilities.

2Called Up Share Capital
Allotted, called up and fully paid:
2 Ordinary shares of £1 each 2 2