Luggage Direct Ltd - Filleted accounts

Luggage Direct Ltd - Filleted accounts

Registered number
Luggage Direct Ltd
Filleted Accounts
30 September 2023
Luggage Direct Ltd
Registered number: 11551666
Balance Sheet
as at 30 September 2023
Notes 2023 2022
£ £
Current assets
Stocks 870 1,305
Debtors 3 3,500 8,570
Cash at bank and in hand 1,259 2,008
5,629 11,883
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 4 (5,442) (10,873)
Net current assets 187 1,010
Net assets 187 1,010
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1 1
Profit and loss account 186 1,009
Shareholders' funds 187 1,010
The director is satisfied that the company is entitled to exemption from the requirement to obtain an audit under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006.
The members have not required the company to obtain an audit in accordance with section 476 of the Act.
The director acknowledges his responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 with respect to accounting records and the preparation of accounts.
The accounts have been prepared and delivered in accordance with the special provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime. The profit and loss account has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
B Binet
Approved by the board on 30 September 2024
Luggage Direct Ltd
Notes to the Accounts
for the year ended 30 September 2023
1 Accounting policies
Basis of preparation
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with FRS 102, The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (as applied to small entities by section 1A of the standard).
Turnover is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, excluding discounts, rebates, value added tax and other sales taxes.
Stocks are measured at the lower of cost and estimated selling price less costs to complete and sell. Cost is determined using the first in first out method. The carrying amount of stock sold is recognised as an expense in the period in which the related revenue is recognised.
Taxation for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is recognised in the Income Statement, except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity.
Current or deferred taxation assets and liabilities are not discounted.
Current tax is recognised at the amount of tax payable using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.
2 Employees 2023 2022
Number Number
Average number of persons employed by the company 0 0
3 Debtors 2023 2022
£ £
Other debtors 3,500 8,570
4 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2023 2022
£ £
Taxation and social security costs - 237
Other creditors 5,442 10,636
5,442 10,873
5 Other information
Luggage Direct Ltd is a private company limited by shares and incorporated in England. Its registered office is:
Unit A
603 London Road
6 Related party disclosure
Included within other creditors is an amount of £820 (2022: £4,270 debtors) due to Delvedale Ltd, a company in which B Binet has a material interest.
Also included within other creditors is an amount of £4,372 (2022: £10,386) due to B Binet, being the director of the company.
There are no terms as to interest or repayment in respect of the above balances.
Luggage Direct Ltd 11551666 false 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 VT Final Accounts April 2024 B Binet No description of principal activity 11551666 2021-10-01 2022-09-30 11551666 core:WithinOneYear 2022-09-30 11551666 core:ShareCapital 2022-09-30 11551666 core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses 2022-09-30 11551666 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 11551666 bus:PrivateLimitedCompanyLtd 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 11551666 bus:AuditExempt-NoAccountantsReport 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 11551666 bus:Director40 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 11551666 countries:England 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 11551666 bus:FRS102 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 11551666 bus:FilletedAccounts 2022-10-01 2023-09-30 11551666 2023-09-30 11551666 core:WithinOneYear 2023-09-30 11551666 core:ShareCapital 2023-09-30 11551666 core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses 2023-09-30 11551666 2022-09-30 iso4217:GBP xbrli:pure