Company Profile | Company Filings |
STRANGE GARDEN MANAGEMENT CO. LIMITED is a Private Limited Company from WEST SUSSEX and has the status: Active.
STRANGE GARDEN MANAGEMENT CO. LIMITED was incorporated 63 years ago on 05/10/1961 and has the registered number: 00704974. The accounts status is MICRO ENTITY and accounts are next due on 31/07/2025.
STRANGE GARDEN MANAGEMENT CO. LIMITED was incorporated 63 years ago on 05/10/1961 and has the registered number: 00704974. The accounts status is MICRO ENTITY and accounts are next due on 31/07/2025.
This company is listed in the following categories:
99999 - Dormant Company
99999 - Dormant Company
Accounts Status
Accounting Year End (d/m) | Accounts Last Made Up Date | Accounts Next Due Date |
31 / 10 | 31/10/2023 | 31/07/2025 |
Registered Office
PO21 2NW
This Company Originates in : United Kingdom
Confirmation Statements
Last Statement | Next Statement Due |
31/12/2023 | 14/01/2025 |
Company Officers - Current and Previous
Name | Born | Nationality | Role | Appointed | Status |
MRS AVERIL TAMBLYN | Aug 1947 | British | Director | 2015-04-08 | CURRENT |
MR ELLIOT LAWRENCE EDE | Oct 1967 | British | Director | 2017-07-24 | CURRENT |
MR JOHN GEOFFREY CRESWICK OLIVER | Secretary | 2019-01-11 | CURRENT | ||
KEITH THOMAS EAST | Jan 1949 | British | Director | 2003-11-25 | CURRENT |
MS CLAIRE MARGARET DUNPHY | Aug 1966 | British | Director | 2024-03-02 | CURRENT |
YVONNE IRENE DAVID | British | Director | 2022-06-06 | CURRENT | |
CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL DAVID | Oct 1943 | British | Director | 2022-06-06 | CURRENT |
MRS ANNE CECILLA CLIMPSON | Oct 1950 | British | Director | 2021-12-01 | CURRENT |
MR MICHAEL CLIMPSON | Oct 1949 | British | Director | 2021-12-01 | CURRENT |
MR JONATHAN TAMBLYN | Oct 1945 | British | Director | 2015-04-08 | CURRENT |
MRS JOANNE PAULA EDE | Jun 1968 | British | Director | 2017-07-24 | CURRENT |
MR DAVID BRYAN FRENCH | Nov 1960 | British | Director | 2016-11-09 | CURRENT |
MR STEVEN MICHAEL ROSE | Jul 1965 | British | Director | 2024-01-08 | CURRENT |
MR TREVOR WILLIAM PITT | Jul 1954 | British | Director | 2017-09-11 | CURRENT |
DR CHERYLL DENISE PITT | Dec 1954 | British | Director | 2017-09-11 | CURRENT |
PHILIPPA JANE OWEN | Jun 1957 | British | Director | 2006-08-23 | CURRENT |
JOHN OLIVER | Jun 1964 | British | Director | 2006-08-23 | CURRENT |
MR MARK STUART LEITCH | Sep 1960 | British | Director | 2014-12-12 | CURRENT |
LISA ANN HALL | Feb 1966 | British | Director | 2002-11-26 | CURRENT |
ANDREW HALL | Sep 1964 | British | Director | 2002-11-26 | CURRENT |
MRS JANET FRANCES ROSE | Oct 1965 | British | Director | 2024-01-08 | CURRENT |
DENNIS JAMES HENDRY | Nov 1922 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
DR ELISABETH ANNE BARRABLE | Jul 1937 | British | Secretary | 1997-04-17 UNTIL 1997-08-08 | RESIGNED |
DAVID ALAN STEEL | Mar 1935 | British | Secretary | 1997-08-08 UNTIL 2001-08-31 | RESIGNED |
PAULINE ANNE MCDONALD | Feb 1956 | British | Secretary | 2005-09-26 UNTIL 2009-02-01 | RESIGNED |
THOMAS ANTHONY KAY | Oct 1936 | British | Secretary | 2001-08-31 UNTIL 2005-09-26 | RESIGNED |
JENNIFER ALISON FOX | Oct 1942 | Secretary | 1993-09-14 UNTIL 1997-04-17 | RESIGNED | |
MS PHILIPPA JANE OWEN | Other | Secretary | 2009-02-01 UNTIL 2019-01-11 | RESIGNED | |
SUDLEY REGISTRARS LTD | Corporate Secretary | RESIGNED | |||
MR ERSKINE FRANCIS DUNPHY | Nov 1937 | Irish | Director | 2010-06-15 UNTIL 2020-12-01 | RESIGNED |
ENA AMELIA BLUNDELL | May 1914 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
FRANK KENNETH ELLIS | May 1924 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
MICHAEL JOHN BUCHER | Feb 1942 | British | Director | 2000-03-30 UNTIL 2002-09-23 | RESIGNED |
DR ELISABETH ANNE BARRABLE | Jul 1937 | British | Director | 1996-10-01 UNTIL 2004-10-31 | RESIGNED |
MR DAVID MICHAEL GREENWAY | Jul 1939 | British | Director | 1993-11-14 UNTIL 1995-09-29 | RESIGNED |
SUSAN DOROTHY GAY | Jan 1957 | British | Director | 2004-02-06 UNTIL 2011-12-22 | RESIGNED |
DAVID PETER GAY | Apr 1982 | British | Director | 2004-02-06 UNTIL 2017-09-07 | RESIGNED |
MRS JULIE FRASER-ROBINSON | Sep 1950 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
MR JOHN ANTHONY FRASER-ROBINSON | Jan 1946 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
RONALD THOMAS FOX | Jun 1942 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
JENNIFER ALISON FOX | Oct 1942 | Director | RESIGNED | ||
MR ARTHUR JAMES GERALD BRISTOW | Oct 1947 | British | Director | 2001-10-12 UNTIL 2016-11-09 | RESIGNED |
MARILYN ROSE BAKER | May 1944 | British | Director | 2000-03-30 UNTIL 2002-09-23 | RESIGNED |
MRS LORNA MARY DUNPHY | Apr 1942 | British | Director | 2010-06-15 UNTIL 2023-04-03 | RESIGNED |
AUDREY EMILY DRAKE LEE | Jun 1921 | British | Director | 1995-08-18 UNTIL 2016-03-22 | RESIGNED |
YVONNE IRENE DAVID | British | Director | 1996-11-28 UNTIL 2017-02-09 | RESIGNED | |
CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL DAVID | Oct 1943 | British | Director | 1996-11-28 UNTIL 2017-02-09 | RESIGNED |
MARTIN RICHARD COX | May 1963 | British | Director | 1994-10-30 UNTIL 2000-03-30 | RESIGNED |
DEBORAH ANNE COX | Mar 1965 | British | Director | 1994-10-30 UNTIL 2000-03-30 | RESIGNED |
JANET MARIE BRISTOW | Oct 1952 | British | Director | 2001-10-12 UNTIL 2013-12-04 | RESIGNED |
Free Reports Available
Report | Date Filed | Date of Report | Assets |
Strange Garden Management Co. Limited - Period Ending 2023-10-31 | 2024-02-21 | 31-10-2023 | £2,531 equity |
Strange Garden Management Co. Limited - Period Ending 2022-10-31 | 2023-03-03 | 31-10-2022 | £2,040 equity |
Strange Garden Management Co. Limited - Period Ending 2021-10-31 | 2022-02-10 | 31-10-2021 | £1,503 equity |
Strange Garden Management Co. Limited - Period Ending 2020-10-31 | 2021-03-05 | 31-10-2020 | £1,482 equity |
Strange Garden Management Co. Limited - Period Ending 2019-10-31 | 2020-07-07 | 31-10-2019 | £1,189 equity |
Strange Garden Management Co. Limited - Period Ending 2018-10-31 | 2019-01-29 | 31-10-2018 | £1,281 equity |