Company Profile | Company Filings |
WARTSILA HAMWORTHY LIMITED is a Private Limited Company from FAREHAM ENGLAND and has the status: Active.
WARTSILA HAMWORTHY LIMITED was incorporated 62 years ago on 18/01/1962 and has the registered number: 00713225. The accounts status is FULL and accounts are next due on 30/09/2024.
WARTSILA HAMWORTHY LIMITED was incorporated 62 years ago on 18/01/1962 and has the registered number: 00713225. The accounts status is FULL and accounts are next due on 30/09/2024.
This company is listed in the following categories:
70100 - Activities of head offices
70100 - Activities of head offices
Accounts Status
Accounting Year End (d/m) | Accounts Last Made Up Date | Accounts Next Due Date |
31 / 12 | 31/12/2022 | 30/09/2024 |
Registered Office
PO16 8SD
This Company Originates in : United Kingdom
Previous trading names include:
WARTSILA HAMWORTHY PLC (until 02/02/2012)
WARTSILA HAMWORTHY PLC (until 02/02/2012)
HAMWORTHY PLC (until 02/02/2012)
Confirmation Statements
Last Statement | Next Statement Due |
27/06/2024 | 11/07/2025 |
Company Officers - Current and Previous
Name | Born | Nationality | Role | Appointed | Status |
MR FRASER SCOTT | Oct 1968 | British | Director | 2020-09-14 | CURRENT |
MRS JAYNE LOUISE PROCTOR | Secretary | 2023-02-24 | CURRENT | ||
MS TAMARA DE GRUIJTER | May 1972 | Dutch | Director | 2020-11-17 | CURRENT |
KARI HIETANEN | Nov 1963 | Finnish | Director | 2012-02-02 UNTIL 2020-11-17 | RESIGNED |
MR QUENTIN JAN ZENTNER | Jan 1966 | British | Director | 2002-06-20 UNTIL 2004-06-23 | RESIGNED |
MR GARY PAUL COLEMAN | Secretary | 2018-02-08 UNTIL 2018-02-26 | RESIGNED | ||
PAUL CROMPTON | Jan 1961 | British | Secretary | 1995-03-31 UNTIL 2006-04-01 | RESIGNED |
MR PETER GRAHAM DAWES | Mar 1948 | British | Secretary | 2006-04-01 UNTIL 2018-02-08 | RESIGNED |
MR GEOFFREY RICHARDSON | British | Secretary | RESIGNED | ||
MICHAEL NOAKES | Oct 1945 | British | Director | 1994-09-15 UNTIL 2002-07-31 | RESIGNED |
TIMO KOPONEN | Mar 1969 | Finnish | Director | 2012-02-02 UNTIL 2019-06-28 | RESIGNED |
WILLY JORN LARSEN | Mar 1945 | Danish | Director | 1996-01-24 UNTIL 2004-06-23 | RESIGNED |
MR ARTO LEHTINEN | Jun 1971 | Finnish | Director | 2019-06-28 UNTIL 2022-09-30 | RESIGNED |
MR SIMON JAMES NICHOLLS | Jun 1964 | British | Director | 2011-09-01 UNTIL 2012-02-02 | RESIGNED |
MR JONATHAN MARK OATLEY | Dec 1968 | British | Director | 2007-09-03 UNTIL 2012-02-02 | RESIGNED |
GORDON FRANCIS DE COURCY PAGE | Nov 1943 | British | Director | 2004-06-23 UNTIL 2012-02-02 | RESIGNED |
IAN DUNCAN BALLARD | Aug 1941 | British | Director | 1994-11-21 UNTIL 1999-01-29 | RESIGNED |
MR ARNE WILLY VEDOY | Mar 1945 | Norwegian | Director | 1999-01-29 UNTIL 2004-06-23 | RESIGNED |
JAMES NICHOLAS WILDING | Apr 1960 | British | Director | 2002-06-20 UNTIL 2012-02-02 | RESIGNED |
MR KENT GORAN GUNNAR JOHANSSON | Apr 1944 | Swedish | Director | 1999-01-29 UNTIL 2002-01-14 | RESIGNED |
KNUD WAEDE HANSEN | Sep 1944 | Danish | Director | 1995-01-03 UNTIL 1995-05-22 | RESIGNED |
MR JOHN HENSHAW | Feb 1964 | British | Director | 2019-08-12 UNTIL 2020-09-14 | RESIGNED |
MR JOHN RICHARD HENSHAW | Feb 1964 | British | Director | 2023-02-23 UNTIL 2024-04-25 | RESIGNED |
MR ALAN JOHN FROST | Oct 1944 | British | Director | 2004-06-23 UNTIL 2012-02-02 | RESIGNED |
KELVYN GARTH DERRICK | Oct 1947 | British | Director | 1994-09-15 UNTIL 2007-08-31 | RESIGNED |
PAUL CROMPTON | Jan 1961 | British | Director | 1994-09-15 UNTIL 2012-02-02 | RESIGNED |
BRUCE GEORGE ERIC CHAPMAN | Jun 1943 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
MR REX BURKE | Dec 1937 | British | Director | RESIGNED | |
ALLAN BENTLEY | Dec 1960 | British | Director | 1995-01-03 UNTIL 2004-06-23 | RESIGNED |
WILLIAM LEATHEM BELSHAW | Apr 1947 | British | Director | 1998-03-27 UNTIL 2004-06-23 | RESIGNED |
Persons with Significant Control
Name | Active from | Born | Address | Level of control |
Wartsila Corporation | 2016-04-06 | Fi-00180 Helsinki | Significant influence or control |