Company Profile | Company Filings |
AUS-BORE ESTATES LIMITED is a Private Limited Company from WILMSLOW and has the status: Active.
AUS-BORE ESTATES LIMITED was incorporated 29 years ago on 28/06/1995 and has the registered number: 03075414. The accounts status is TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL and accounts are next due on 31/10/2024.
AUS-BORE ESTATES LIMITED was incorporated 29 years ago on 28/06/1995 and has the registered number: 03075414. The accounts status is TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL and accounts are next due on 31/10/2024.
This company is listed in the following categories:
41100 - Development of building projects
41100 - Development of building projects
68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
Accounts Status
Accounting Year End (d/m) | Accounts Last Made Up Date | Accounts Next Due Date |
31 / 1 | 31/01/2023 | 31/10/2024 |
Registered Office
This Company Originates in : United Kingdom
Previous trading names include:
AUS-BORE (ALTRINCHAM) LIMITED (until 21/02/2007)
AUS-BORE (ALTRINCHAM) LIMITED (until 21/02/2007)
Confirmation Statements
Last Statement | Next Statement Due |
28/06/2024 | 12/07/2025 |
Company Officers - Current and Previous
Name | Born | Nationality | Role | Appointed | Status |
MISS HARRIET JANE MAIDMAN | Jan 1989 | British | Director | 2017-11-17 | CURRENT |
MR JONATHON SCOTT BURGESS | Jun 1954 | British | Director | 1995-06-28 | CURRENT |
MR JAMES JOHN CAMPBELL BURGESS | Feb 1987 | British | Director | 2017-11-17 | CURRENT |
ELIZABETH JANE BURGESS | British | Secretary | 1995-06-28 | CURRENT | |
MC FORMATIONS LIMITED | Corporate Nominee Director | 1995-06-28 UNTIL 1995-06-28 | RESIGNED | ||
CRS LEGAL SERVICES LIMITED | Corporate Nominee Secretary | 1995-06-28 UNTIL 1995-06-28 | RESIGNED | ||
MR RICHARD WILLIAM COOPER | Dec 1945 | British | Director | 1999-09-21 UNTIL 2017-11-17 | RESIGNED |
Persons with Significant Control
Name | Active from | Born | Address | Level of control |
Aus-Bore Estates Holdings Limited | 2019-12-12 | Wilmslow | Ownership of shares 75 to 100 percent | |
Mr. Jonathon Scott Burgess | 2016-04-06 - 2019-12-12 | 6/1954 | Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent | |
Mrs Elizabeth Jane Burgess | 2016-04-06 - 2019-12-12 | 10/1956 | Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent |
Free Reports Available
Report | Date Filed | Date of Report | Assets |
Aus-Bore Estates Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 23.2.5 | 2023-11-01 | 31-01-2023 | £884,484 Cash £8,693,763 equity |
Aus-Bore Estates Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 22.3 | 2022-11-01 | 31-01-2022 | £739,034 Cash £10,278,835 equity |
Aus-Bore Estates Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 18.2 | 2021-10-28 | 31-01-2021 | £45,993 Cash £9,672,422 equity |
Aus-Bore Estates Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 18.2 | 2020-12-17 | 31-01-2020 | £440,828 Cash £9,110,336 equity |
Abbreviated Company Accounts - AUS-BORE ESTATES LIMITED | 2015-10-29 | 31-01-2015 | £77,051 Cash £11,594,758 equity |