Company Profile | Company Filings |
BLANDFORD BLOODSTOCK LIMITED is a Private Limited Company from NEWMARKET ENGLAND and has the status: Active.
BLANDFORD BLOODSTOCK LIMITED was incorporated 23 years ago on 04/06/2001 and has the registered number: 04227860. The accounts status is MICRO ENTITY and accounts are next due on 31/12/2024.
BLANDFORD BLOODSTOCK LIMITED was incorporated 23 years ago on 04/06/2001 and has the registered number: 04227860. The accounts status is MICRO ENTITY and accounts are next due on 31/12/2024.
This company is listed in the following categories:
01629 - Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding and care) n.e.c.
01629 - Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding and care) n.e.c.
Accounts Status
Accounting Year End (d/m) | Accounts Last Made Up Date | Accounts Next Due Date |
31 / 3 | 31/03/2023 | 31/12/2024 |
Registered Office
This Company Originates in : United Kingdom
Confirmation Statements
Last Statement | Next Statement Due |
04/06/2024 | 18/06/2025 |
Company Officers - Current and Previous
Name | Born | Nationality | Role | Appointed | Status |
MR RICHARD GUY WHITNEY BROWN | Nov 1978 | English | Director | 2004-02-08 | CURRENT |
MR NEIL RODERICK WALMSLEY | Dec 1966 | British | Director | 2001-06-04 UNTIL 2001-08-01 | RESIGNED |
DAVID JOHN MEDCALF | Apr 1944 | British | Director | 2001-06-04 UNTIL 2001-08-01 | RESIGNED |
MR ROBERT THOMAS ALEXANDER GOFF | Sep 1966 | British | Director | 2001-08-01 UNTIL 2020-03-31 | RESIGNED |
MR JOSLIN RICHARD COLLINS | Apr 1947 | British | Director | 2001-08-01 UNTIL 2004-02-08 | RESIGNED |
DAVID JOHN MEDCALF | Apr 1944 | British | Secretary | 2001-06-04 UNTIL 2001-08-01 | RESIGNED |
MR ROBERT THOMAS ALEXANDER GOFF | Sep 1966 | British | Secretary | 2001-08-01 UNTIL 2020-03-31 | RESIGNED |
Persons with Significant Control
Name | Active from | Born | Address | Level of control |
Ms Sophie Brown | 2020-03-31 | 10/1982 | Newmarket Suffolk |
Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent Voting rights 25 to 50 percent |
Mr Robert Thomas Alexander Goff | 2016-04-06 - 2020-03-31 | 9/1966 | Newmarket | Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent |
Mr Richard Guy Whitney Brown | 2016-04-06 | 11/1978 | Newmarket |
Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent Voting rights 25 to 50 percent |
Free Reports Available
Report | Date Filed | Date of Report | Assets |
Blandford Bloodstock Limited 31/03/2023 iXBRL | 2023-12-22 | 31-03-2023 | £184,060 equity |
Blandford Bloodstock Limited 31/03/2022 iXBRL | 2022-12-23 | 31-03-2022 | £184,060 equity |
Blandford Bloodstock Limited 31/03/2021 iXBRL | 2021-12-22 | 31-03-2021 | £11,583 Cash £184,060 equity |
Blandford Bloodstock Limited 31/03/2020 iXBRL | 2021-03-27 | 31-03-2020 | £33,325 Cash £184,059 equity |
Blandford Bloodstock Limited 31/03/2019 iXBRL | 2019-12-31 | 31-03-2019 | £46,543 Cash £386,458 equity |
Blandford Bloodstock Limited 31/03/2018 iXBRL | 2018-12-28 | 31-03-2018 | £109,137 Cash £299,331 equity |
BLANDFORD BLOODSTOCK LIMITED | 2017-12-30 | 31-03-2017 | £382,733 Cash £253,277 equity |
Abbreviated Company Accounts - BLANDFORD BLOODSTOCK LIMITED | 2016-12-23 | 31-03-2016 | £61,179 Cash £98,562 equity |
Abbreviated Company Accounts - BLANDFORD BLOODSTOCK LIMITED | 2015-12-24 | 31-03-2015 | £63,438 Cash £98,577 equity |
Abbreviated Company Accounts - BLANDFORD BLOODSTOCK LIMITED | 2014-12-24 | 31-03-2014 | £58,835 equity |