Company Profile Company Filings


CELLCENTRIC LIMITED is a Private Limited Company from CAMBRIDGE and has the status: Active.
CELLCENTRIC LIMITED was incorporated 20 years ago on 30/10/2003 and has the registered number: 04948632. The accounts status is SMALL and accounts are next due on 30/09/2024.


This company is listed in the following categories:
72110 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology

Accounts Status

Accounting Year End (d/m) Accounts Last Made Up Date Accounts Next Due Date
31 / 12 31/12/2022 30/09/2024

Registered Office

CB10 1XL

This Company Originates in : United Kingdom

Confirmation Statements

Last Statement Next Statement Due
13/05/2024 27/05/2025


Company Officers - Current and Previous

Name Born Nationality Role Appointed Status
DIRECTOR JASON DINGES Feb 1976 American Director 2017-03-01 CURRENT
PROF ANDREW MARK HUGHES Apr 1964 British Director 2022-05-01 CURRENT
DR IRENA MELNIKOVA Aug 1967 American Director 2024-07-11 CURRENT
LAURA SMITH Feb 1986 American Director 2024-07-11 CURRENT
MS THEA SARAH STANWAY May 1961 British Director 2023-02-10 CURRENT
MR WILLIAM HENRY LEWARNE WEST Jul 1968 British Director 2005-03-03 CURRENT
DR JOHN BARRIE WARD Oct 1938 British Director 2006-04-21 UNTIL 2014-09-02 RESIGNED
DOCTOR MICHAEL GREENWOOD CARTER Feb 1938 United States Director 2011-05-25 UNTIL 2012-12-31 RESIGNED
MR RICHARD MARK QUENTIN BROOKS May 1960 British Secretary 2006-11-10 UNTIL 2013-01-11 RESIGNED
MR GERALD CHAN Feb 1951 American Secretary 2008-11-12 UNTIL 2009-10-01 RESIGNED
MR ALUN HUW JONES Sep 1961 British Secretary 2003-10-30 UNTIL 2006-11-10 RESIGNED
DR SUSAN ELIZABETH FODEN Apr 1953 British Director 2006-04-21 UNTIL 2011-03-11 RESIGNED
DR DAVID STANLEY SECHER Jul 1948 British Director 2004-05-21 UNTIL 2011-01-24 RESIGNED
MR DANIEL JAMES WILLIAM ROACH Apr 1955 British Director 2007-03-12 UNTIL 2011-03-11 RESIGNED
DR CATHERINE DENISE PRESCOTT Apr 1961 British Director 2003-10-30 UNTIL 2005-12-31 RESIGNED
DR NEIL ANTHONY PEGG Oct 1962 British Director 2014-09-10 UNTIL 2024-06-07 RESIGNED
MS. REENIE (IRENE) MCCARTHY Sep 1964 American Director 2011-01-24 UNTIL 2017-03-01 RESIGNED
DR DAVID JUSTIN CHARLES KNOWLES Feb 1952 British Director 2009-06-12 UNTIL 2011-03-11 RESIGNED
MR ALUN HUW JONES Sep 1961 British Director 2003-10-30 UNTIL 2006-11-10 RESIGNED
MR GERALD CHAN Feb 1951 American Director 2008-11-12 UNTIL 2011-01-24 RESIGNED
DR TIMOTHY STEPHEN FELL Aug 1964 British Director 2006-06-15 UNTIL 2012-12-05 RESIGNED

Persons with Significant Control

Name Active from Born Address Level of control
Adriel Wenbwo Chan 2020-01-15 7/1982 Hong Kong   Significant influence or control as trust
Yuk Lan Wong 2020-01-15 3/1967 Hong Kong   Significant influence or control as trust
Madam Chan Tan Ching Fen 2016-04-06 - 2020-01-15 12/1924 Causeway Bay   Significant influence or control
Morningside Venture Investments Ltd 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-06 Monaco   Monaco Ownership of shares 50 to 75 percent
Voting rights 50 to 75 percent
Right to appoint and remove directors

Related Companies

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OXAGEN LIMITED LONDON Dissolved... TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL 72190 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
KUDOS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED CAMBRIDGE UNITED KINGDOM Active FULL 82990 - Other business support service activities n.e.c.
PROVENSIS LIMITED FARNHAM Active FULL 86900 - Other human health activities
GENOSIS (UK) LIMITED ESHER Dissolved... DORMANT 72110 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
GREEN BIOLOGICS LIMITED READING ENGLAND Active TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL 72110 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
AMURA HOLDINGS LIMITED CAMBRIDGE Dissolved... TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL 21100 - Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
OXYRANE UK LIMITED MANCHESTER ENGLAND Active SMALL 72200 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
SYNTHACE LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active GROUP 72110 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
FOENIX PARTNERS LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active GROUP 66110 - Administration of financial markets
ATOPIX THERAPEUTICS LIMITED LONDON Dissolved... SMALL 72110 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
PROCERTO LIMITED LONDON Dissolved... TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL 70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management
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CYTED LTD CAMBRIDGE UNITED KINGDOM Active GROUP 86220 - Specialists medical practice activities
MICROFLUIDX LTD STEVENAGE ENGLAND Active TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL 21200 - Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations

Free Reports Available

Report Date Filed Date of Report Assets
CELLCENTRIC_LIMITED - Accounts 2024-08-23 31-12-2023 £23,933,758 Cash £772,151 equity
CELLCENTRIC_LIMITED - Accounts 2023-07-19 31-12-2022 £11,163,779 Cash £9,909,026 equity
CELLCENTRIC_LIMITED - Accounts 2022-10-11 31-12-2021 £22,137,191 Cash
CELLCENTRIC_LIMITED - Accounts 2021-09-30 31-12-2020 £15,643,699 Cash £15,461,162 equity
CELLCENTRIC_LIMITED - Accounts 2021-03-31 31-05-2020 £9,325,828 Cash £9,245,019 equity

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