Company Profile Company Filings


ICRON NETWORK LIMITED is a Private Limited Company from LONDON ENGLAND and has the status: Active.
ICRON NETWORK LIMITED was incorporated 19 years ago on 06/05/2005 and has the registered number: 05445235. The accounts status is TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL and accounts are next due on 25/09/2024.


This company is listed in the following categories:
61900 - Other telecommunications activities

Accounts Status

Accounting Year End (d/m) Accounts Last Made Up Date Accounts Next Due Date
25 / 12 31/12/2022 25/09/2024

Registered Office

E14 5NR

This Company Originates in : United Kingdom
Previous trading names include:
VECTONE NETWORK LIMITED (until 14/12/2012)
DAHLIA NETWORK LIMITED (until 25/06/2010)
VECTONE NETWORK LIMITED (until 16/06/2010)

Confirmation Statements

Last Statement Next Statement Due
30/04/2024 14/05/2025



Company Officers - Current and Previous

Name Born Nationality Role Appointed Status
MR LOGANATHAN SUBRAMANIAM Sep 1957 Norwegian Director 2020-12-16 CURRENT
INCORPORATE SECRETARIAT LIMITED Corporate Nominee Secretary 2005-05-06 UNTIL 2005-05-10 RESIGNED
INCORPORATE DIRECTORS LIMITED Corporate Nominee Director 2005-05-06 UNTIL 2005-05-10 RESIGNED
MR AMITABH SHARMA Jan 1964 British Director 2006-06-22 UNTIL 2006-10-12 RESIGNED
VIJEEYAKUMAR MAHALINGHAM Aug 1960 French Director 2007-11-16 UNTIL 2008-06-16 RESIGNED
RAJSHANKAR BALASINGHAM Jan 1974 Sri Lankan Director 2006-06-23 UNTIL 2007-11-16 RESIGNED
MR BASKARAN ALLIRAJAH Aug 1966 British Director 2005-05-10 UNTIL 2006-06-23 RESIGNED
MR BASKARAN ALLIRAJAH Aug 1966 British Director 2006-10-13 UNTIL 2007-05-08 RESIGNED
MR BASKARAN ALLIRAJAH Aug 1966 British Director 2008-06-16 UNTIL 2020-12-16 RESIGNED
MIGUEL ANGEL GALVE FERNANDEZ Spanish Secretary 2005-05-10 UNTIL 2006-03-16 RESIGNED
RAJSHANKAR BALASINGHAM Jan 1974 Sri Lankan Secretary 2006-03-16 UNTIL 2007-05-08 RESIGNED
RAJSHANKAR BALASINGHAM Jan 1974 Sri Lankan Secretary 2007-11-16 UNTIL 2010-06-04 RESIGNED
MR BASKARAN ALLIRAJAH Aug 1966 British Secretary 2007-05-08 UNTIL 2007-11-16 RESIGNED

Persons with Significant Control

Name Active from Born Address Level of control
Mr Baskaran Allirajah 2017-05-06 8/1966 London   Significant influence or control
Significant influence or control as firm

Related Companies

CompanyName Address Company Status Accounts Status Main Company Activity
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SWITCHLAB LIMITED MILTON KEYNES Dissolved... TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL 61900 - Other telecommunications activities
ICRON GROUP HOLDING LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active GROUP 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities
PC2CALL LIMITED LONDON Dissolved... DORMANT 61900 - Other telecommunications activities
DAHLIA MEDIA LIMITED Dissolved... DORMANT 61900 - Other telecommunications activities
VECTONE INVESTMENT HOLDING LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active GROUP 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities
CHILLITALK LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active SMALL 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities
VECTONE MOBILE HOLDING LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active SMALL 61900 - Other telecommunications activities
VECTONE MOBILE (DENMARK) LIMITED LONDON Dissolved... SMALL 61900 - Other telecommunications activities
VECTONE HOLDING LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active SMALL 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities
VECTONE MOBILE (NETHERLANDS) LIMITED LONDON Dissolved... FULL 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities
LYCAMOBILE SWEDEN LIMITED LONDON Active TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL 61900 - Other telecommunications activities
VECTONE MOBILE (POLAND) LIMITED Dissolved... DORMANT 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities
VECTONE NETWORK SERVICES LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Active SMALL 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities
LYCA MEDIA II LIMITED LONDON Active SMALL 60100 - Radio broadcasting
DELIGHT CALLING LIMITED LONDON ENGLAND Dissolved... DORMANT 61200 - Wireless telecommunications activities

Free Reports Available

Report Date Filed Date of Report Assets
ICRON_NETWORK_LIMITED - Accounts 2024-11-29 31-12-2023 £103 Cash £295,873 equity
ICRON_NETWORK_LIMITED - Accounts 2024-07-30 31-12-2022 £827 Cash £294,262 equity
Icron Network Limited - Limited company accounts 20.1 2022-11-09 31-12-2021 £1,210 Cash £292,121 equity
ACCOUNTS - Final Accounts preparation 2021-04-17 31-12-2019 34,761 Cash 287,410 equity
Abbreviated Company Accounts - ICRON NETWORK LIMITED 2016-12-20 26-12-2015 £33,384 Cash £303,136 equity
Abbreviated Company Accounts - ICRON NETWORK LIMITED 2015-10-01 28-12-2014 £33,745 Cash £298,958 equity
Abbreviated Company Accounts - ICRON NETWORK LIMITED 2014-12-31 29-12-2013 £45,014 Cash £249,302 equity

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