Company Profile Company Filings


NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD is a Private Limited Company from LONDON UNITED KINGDOM and has the status: Active.
NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD was incorporated 17 years ago on 30/07/2007 and has the registered number: 06328106. The accounts status is DORMANT and accounts are next due on 30/04/2025.


This company is listed in the following categories:
43999 - Other specialised construction activities n.e.c.

Accounts Status

Accounting Year End (d/m) Accounts Last Made Up Date Accounts Next Due Date
31 / 7 31/07/2023 30/04/2025

Registered Office


This Company Originates in : United Kingdom
Previous trading names include:
NIDO HOMES UK LIMITED (until 21/10/2010)

Confirmation Statements

Last Statement Next Statement Due
01/02/2024 15/02/2025



Company Officers - Current and Previous

Name Born Nationality Role Appointed Status
MRS GABRIELA STREHLER Oct 1961 Swiss Director 2009-08-01 CURRENT
ERIK RATASSEPP Secretary 2014-11-17 CURRENT
TEMPLE SECRETARIES LIMITED Corporate Nominee Secretary 2007-07-30 UNTIL 2007-07-30 RESIGNED
JANUSZ MORKOWSKI Nov 1930 German Director 2007-07-30 UNTIL 2009-08-01 RESIGNED
MR. JANGI JAN BAHADUR SINGH BAKSHI Aug 1952 British Director 2015-04-17 UNTIL 2015-06-09 RESIGNED
PAWEL KONSTANTIN MORKOWSKI British Secretary 2007-07-30 UNTIL 2009-08-01 RESIGNED
MRS CATHERINE DELALOYE Secretary 2009-08-01 UNTIL 2013-08-13 RESIGNED
COMPANY DIRECTORS LIMITED Corporate Nominee Director 2007-07-30 UNTIL 2007-07-30 RESIGNED

Persons with Significant Control

Name Active from Born Address Level of control
Gabriela Strehler 2016-11-01 10/1961 London   Ownership of shares 75 to 100 percent
Voting rights 75 to 100 percent
Right to appoint and remove directors

Related Companies

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CANCER OPTIONS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED MANSFIELD Dissolved... DORMANT 86900 - Other human health activities
ARGUS BLACK SWAN LIMITED RUSHDEN Active DORMANT 08990 - Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.
NANO LIVING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIMITED LONDON UNITED KINGDOM Dissolved... DORMANT 41202 - Construction of domestic buildings

Free Reports Available

Report Date Filed Date of Report Assets
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2023-08-26 31-07-2023 £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2022-08-04 31-07-2022 £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2022-02-16 31-07-2021 £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2021-05-05 31-07-2020 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2020-08-01 31-07-2019 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2019-04-23 31-07-2018 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2018-06-29 31-07-2017 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2017-05-26 31-07-2016 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2016-04-21 31-07-2015 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2015-06-11 31-07-2014 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - NANO LIVING SYSTEM LTD 2014-07-24 31-07-2013 £330,000,000 Cash £330,000,000 equity

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