
KAM PROP LIMITED is a Private Limited Company from LONDON and has the status: Dissolved - no longer trading.
KAM PROP LIMITED was incorporated 10 years ago on 26/06/2014 and has the registered number: 09103162. The accounts status is DORMANT.


This company is listed in the following categories:
68100 - Buying and selling of own real estate

Accounts Status

Accounting Year End (d/m) Accounts Last Made Up Date Accounts Next Due Date
30 / 6 30/06/2016

Registered Office

SE16 7LX

This Company Originates in : United Kingdom

Confirmation Statements

Last Statement Next Statement Due


Company Officers - Current and Previous

Name Born Nationality Role Appointed Status
MR WAQAS SHAHID Nov 1984 Pakistani Director 2014-06-26 CURRENT

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Free Reports Available

Report Date Filed Date of Report Assets
Dormant Company Accounts - KAM PROP LIMITED 2017-04-01 30-06-2016 £1 Cash £1 equity
Dormant Company Accounts - KAM PROP LIMITED 2016-03-25 30-06-2015 £1 Cash £1 equity

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