Our Data

  • Our data comes primarily from Companies House, which is a public register, subject to different GDPR and privacy regulations to other personal data. More info on Companies House data and privacy can be found here.
  • CheckCompany aims to provide an accessible, user friendly web interface to this important company data. We do not use this data for marketing, or for any other purposes beyond publishing our web site. All of our data is displayed on the website so if you wish to understand any data that may be present on you or your company, the easiest way is to use the website search features. We are a data controller under the GDPR and our basis for publishing includes article 89 of the GDPR which covers archiving purposes in the public interest. The right of the public to access public company information also constitutes a legitimate interest. We only publish data that was made public by the data subject through the Companies House register.
  • Our data needs to be a faithful and accurate reflection of the public register. Therefore unless our data does not reflect latest data at Companies House, we cannot change or remove what is on our site. Details of companies that have been dissolved remain on the register for 20 years and will also not be removed or changed on our system, unless data has changed at Companies House.
  • If you are unhappy with anything in the register, you should change the details you have filed with Companies House. You can change details with Companies House here . This will then change the data both at our site, and in the many other websites and publications that use company data.
  • It is possible to change or hide the address shown on the register (so for example, it is not a private home address). To do this please go here and follow the instructions.

Our site is updated daily with information from Companies House, although it is possible some changes will take much longer to be reflected on our site. If you notice any discrepancies, you can notify us using the below form. You can also notify us if you are a private individual and wish to hide your own personal address or date of birth on our site. Although we will endeavour to hide this information if requested - and if the address of the relevant web page is provided - we will not suppress other people's data in response to such requests, nor will we remove other company data.

Please provide the full web address of any pages that are out of date or inaccurate (eg https: //www .checkcompany.co.uk/company/00519500/TESCO-STORES-LIMITED). Because the company registry contains many, many millions of companies and directors, often with very similar names, we will not be able to change or hide any data unless you give us the web page address.

Where the data request is clear and reasonable we will endeavour to make changes within 5 business days, although we do not normally provide email confirmation. Where the request is not clear (for example, if you have not provided the web address of the page that needs changing), we regret that we will not be able to make any changes.
