MR MICHAEL LAWRENCE SULLIVAN is a Retired from York. This person was born in September 1948, which was over 76 years ago. MR MICHAEL LAWRENCE SULLIVAN is British and resident in England. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 1 company roles.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to EBOR CHASE (YORK) MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED on 2017-09-08, from which they resigned on 2024-02-09.
3 Bishopthorpe Road, Bishopthorpe Road
YO23 1NA
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
EBOR CHASE (YORK) MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED | Active | Director | 2017-09-08 until 2024-02-09 | RESIGNED |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MISS LYNN DAWN RIVIERE | Retired | York, England | 4 |
MR ROY SONLEY ADAMSON | Director | York | 5 |
MICHAEL EDWARD BELL | Retired | York, England | 2 |
SIMON TIMOTHY PEARSON | Financial Adviser | York, England | 1 |
SEAN PHILLIP ASHTON | Airplane Pilot | York | 1 |
JANET BORDER | Retired | Grimsby | 3 |
JOHN BRIGHT | Retired | York, England | 1 |
ROGER BROOK | Retired | York | 1 |
DENIS GRIMSHAW | Civil Servant | York | 1 |
LESLEY LUHRS | Housewife | York, England | 1 |
BARRIE NICHOLSON MOORE | Retired | York | 2 |
KEVIN JOHN REDMOND | It Director | Penn | 1 |
JOHN REED | Retired | York | 1 |
MR JOHN NORMAN RICHARDSON | Consultant | York, England | 7 |
MISS NICOLA SLEE | Director | Leominster, United Kingdom | 4 |
MR BRIAN SANDERSON | Retired | York, England | 1 |
MS LYNNE GRAY | Retired | York, England | 1 |
MR NIGEL LUHRS | Retired | York, England | 1 |
MR WILLIAM MILLER FERGUSON | Retired | York, England | 1 |
MS SUSAN JEANETTE DE VAL | Senior Commissioning Manager Nhs | York, England | 1 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR MELVYN STANNARD | Retired | York, England | 1 |
CHRISTOPHER TEHRANI | Barrister | York, England | 2 |
SHAMSUN NAHAR | York | 1 | |
MR HUMAYAN KABIR | Businessman | York | 4 |
MR KOMGREE SANTATKOLLAKARN | Director | York, United Kingdom | 5 |
MR HUMAYUN KABIR | Restauranter | York, England | 2 |
MR GIUSEPPE LOMBARDO | Cafe Bar | York, England | 1 |
MS PHOEBE MORGAN | Cafe Bar | York, England | 1 |
MR GRAHAM KENNEDY | Managing Director | York, England | 3 |
MISS SOPHIE KENNEDY | Director | York, United Kingdom | 1 |