ANTHONY MCNICHOL is a Director from York. This person was born in March 1969, which was over 55 years ago. ANTHONY MCNICHOL is British and resident in England. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 2 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £397,927 shareholder value and £408,860 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to TM HOLDINGS2 LTD on 2023-03-24.
25, Redmires Close
YO30 4TD
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
TM HOLDINGS2 LTD | Active | Director | 2023-03-24 | CURRENT | £10,500 cash, £10,600 equity |
2LET AGENCY LIMITED | Active | Director | 2010-04-01 | CURRENT | £398,360 cash, £387,327 equity |
Companies Controlled
Company | Active from | Level of control |
TM HOLDINGS2 LTD | 2023-03-24 |
Ownership of shares 75 to 100 percent Voting rights 75 to 100 percent Right to appoint and remove directors |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR YOMTOV ELIEZER JACOBS | Clerk | Manchester, United Kingdom | 7,808 |
KATY JANE MCNICHOL | None | York | 1 |
MR CHARLIE MCNICHOL | Director | York, England | 1 |
MR JAMES MCNICHOL | Director | York, England | 1 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
PAUL IAN NESS | Property Developer | York | 1 |
MATTHEW PHILIP PELLS | Broadcaster | York | 2 |
KAREN LOUISE SMITH | York, England | 1 | |
ROBERT WALTER SMITH | Director | York, England | 1 |
AIDAN HUTCHINSON | Director | York, United Kingdom | 1 |
MISS BETHANY PARKIN | Director | York, England | 1 |
MR ROBERT FISHWICK | Director | York, England | 1 |
MR TREVOR PARKIN | Retired | York, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR MICHAEL ALAN THOMPSON | Broker | York, England | 1 |
MR LUKE DANIEL MANSELL | Head Of Virtual Production | York, England | 1 |