FRANCES MARGARET ENNIS is a Solicitor from Glasgow. This person was born in December 1981, which was over 42 years ago. FRANCES MARGARET ENNIS is British and resident in Scotland. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 2 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £2,745,570 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to BELLWETHER GREEN LIMITED on 2021-08-31.
225, West George Street
G2 2ND
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
BELLWETHER GREEN LIMITED | Active | Director | 2021-08-31 | CURRENT | £2,430,532 cash |
THE HOMELESS WORLD CUP FOUNDATION | Active | Director | 2018-02-13 until 2022-12-22 | RESIGNED | £315,038 cash |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
TINO BENJAMIN NOMBRO | Company Director | Edinburgh | 12 |
MR PETER THOMAS IRVINE | Consultant | Edinburgh | 16 |
KATHERINE MARGARET BYLES | Pr Consultant | Bath | 6 |
JOHN PAUL BINGHAM | Solicitor | Glasgow, Scotland | 8 |
MR STEPHEN WILLIAM WEBSTER | Solicitor | Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 3 |
MR STUART WILLIAM EASTON | Solicitor | Glasgow, United Kingdom | 6 |
MISS VALERIE LESLEY CAMPBELL MCDERMID | Director | Stockport, United Kingdom | 4 |
MR JOHN MELVILLE YOUNG | Director | Edinburgh, Scotland | 16 |
MR IAIN JAMES MCFADDEN | Chartered Accountant | Glasgow, Scotland | 36 |
MR STEVEN JOHN ROUND | Consultant | Stafford, England | 16 |
DR HENRIK NAUJOKS | Consultant | Dusseldorg, Germany | 2 |
MR MICHAEL JOHN DAVIDSON | Chartered Accountant | Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 25 |
MR PATRICK MICHAEL CASSIDY | Head Of Development | Livingston | 1 |
MS LISA JANE GALLAGHER | Director | Edinburgh | 1 |
MR PETER ANDREW BARR | Journalist | Edinburgh | 1 |
MR STEVEN TEMPLETON | Solicitor | Glasgow | 1 |
EVE DALLAS-CHILDS | Grants Manager | Edinburgh | 1 |
MR NEIL WILLIAM HAY | Senior Manager | Edinburgh | 1 |
MS KATE MCCHEYNE | Manager | Edinburgh | 1 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR KERR ALEXANDER WILSON | Director | Glasgow, United Kingdom | 23 |
MISS LYNNE ANNE MCGUNIGAL | Director | Glasgow | 2 |
MR PAUL ANTHONY CLARKE | None | Glasgow | 32 |
MR ALAN CYRIL TOMKINS | Restaurateur | Glasgow | 39 |
MR CESIDIO MARTIN DI CIACCA | Director | Glasgow, Scotland | 297 |
MS JILLIAN NEILSON | Managing Director | Glasgow | 2 |
MR PAUL CONNELLY | Director | Glasgow, Scotland | 25 |
MR WILLIAM HAMILTON | Livestock Auctioneer | Glasgow | 3 |
MR ALEXANDER CALDWELL WILSON | Livestock Auctioneer | Glasgow | 4 |
MR BRUCE MCBAIN NORRIE | Inventory Consultancy | Glasgow | 1 |