

LEE GEORGE WESTGARTH is a Chartered Accountant from Ossett. This person was born in October 1983, which was over 41 years ago. LEE GEORGE WESTGARTH is British and resident in England. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 89 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £1 shareholder value and £1 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to CARCLO HOLDING CORPORATION on 2021-05-05, from which they resigned on 2022-11-14.


Unit 5, Silkwood Court
United Kingdom


Company Appointments - Current and Previous

CompanyName Company Status Role Appointed Appointment Status Assets
CARCLO HOLDING CORPORATION Active Director 2021-05-05 until 2022-11-14 RESIGNED
CARCLO PLATT NEDERLAND B.V. Active Director 2021-03-17 until 2023-03-07 RESIGNED
FINESPARK (HORSHAM) LIMITED Active Director 2019-12-31 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP ALAN LIMITED Active Director 2019-12-31 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CIT TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Active Director 2019-12-31 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO US FINANCE NO.2 Active Director 2019-12-31 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO HOLDING LIMITED Active Director 2019-12-31 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
ANRUI (HOLDINGS) EUROPE LIMITED Active Director 2019-12-17 until 2020-05-11 RESIGNED £1 cash, £1 equity
PLATFORM DIAGNOSTICS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SHEPLEY INVESTMENTS,LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
HILLS NON FERROUS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO DIAGNOSTIC SOLUTIONS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
HORSFALL & BICKHAM LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
ELECTRO-MEDICAL LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO ZEPHYR LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
YORKSHIRE ENGINEERING SUPPLIES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP PRECISION TOOLING LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SHEFFIELD WIRE ROPE COMPANY LIMITED(THE) Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP DAVALL LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
WOODHEAD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
TRU-GRIT LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
TOLWOOD ENGINEERING LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
TOLEDO WOODHEAD SPRINGS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
THOMAS WHITE & SONS, LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
TEXTURE ROLLED LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SYBRO LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
JONAS WOODHEAD & SONS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CHAPMANS SPRINGS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
TRUBRITE LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SHEPLEY SECURITIES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
RUMBOLD SECURITIES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
LEEPLAS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
LEE STAINLESS STEEL SERVICES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
LEE OF SHEFFIELD LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
JONAS WOODHEAD (SHEFFIELD) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
JONAS WOODHEAD (OSSETT) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
JONAS WOODHEAD (MANCHESTER) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
D.B.T. (MOTOR FACTORS) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
JOHN SHARP (WIRE) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
INDUSTATES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
HILLS DIECASTING COMPANY LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
HIGHFIELD MILLS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
GILBY-BRUNTON LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
WOODHEAD STEEL LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
WOODHEAD COMPONENTS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SIMA PLASTICS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
DELL BALER LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO INVESTMENTS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP WHITE KNIGHT LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP SILLECK SCOTLAND LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP SILLECK LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP MOULDED GEARS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CTP LICHFIELD LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CROWTHER & GEE LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CRITCHLEY, SHARP & TETLOW LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO TECHNICAL PLASTICS (SLOUGH) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO TECHNICAL PLASTICS (MITCHAM) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO SECURITIES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
DATACALL LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO OVERSEAS HOLDINGS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
CARCLO GROUP SERVICES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
BRYMILL STOCKHOLDERS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
BRUNTONS (MUSSELBURGH) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
WOODCOCK & BOOTH LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
WOODHEAD LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
AUSTRALIAN CARD CLOTHING LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
APOLLO STEELS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
ACRE MILLS (UK) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
JONAS WOODHEAD LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SQUIRES STEEL STOCKHOLDERS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SMITH WIRES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
ARTHUR LEE & SONS (HOT ROLLING MILLS) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
SEYMOUR PLASTICS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
RUMBOLD INVESTMENTS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
PRATT, LEVICK AND COMPANY LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
NOVOPLEX LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
NORSEMAN(CABLES & EXTRUSIONS)LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
METALLIC CARD CLOTHING COMPANY LIMITED(THE) Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
K.A.S. PRECISION ENGINEERING LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
STATION ROAD (UK) LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
JOHN SHAW LIFTING & TESTING SERVICES LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
J.W.& H.PLATT LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
IRONFOIL LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
HORSFALL CARD CLOTHING LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
FINEMOULDS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
FAIRBANK BREARLEY LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
EUROPEAN CARD CLOTHING COMPANY LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
EDWIN STEAD & SONS LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED
DOUGLAS CAMPBELL LIMITED Active Director 2019-08-30 until 2023-05-12 RESIGNED

Related People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
MR DAVID WILLIAM ADAM Director Ilkley 111
NIGEL HAYWOOD WILTON LEE Company Director Worksop 17
MR IAN BATES Company Director Crewe 1
DR JOHN ROBERT BUCKLEY Metallurgist Sheffield 1
JOHN MICHAEL CLIFF Accountant Halifax 18
ANDREW DAVID CUTTS Sales Director Sheffield 2
TIESSIR SHHAB KURWIE Director Wakefield 21
CHRISTOPHER MAWE Finance Director York 113
DARREN KEITH ROTHERY Accountant Holmfirth 52
MR PETER WILTON LEE Director Sheffield, England 36
MR ERIC COOK Accountant Wakefield 191
DAVID STANLEY WILTON LEE Steel Manufacturer/Director Sheffield 16
MR RICHARD JOHN OTTAWAY Chartered Accountant Liversedge, England 98
MR ERIC GEORGE HUTCHINSON Company Director Mitcham, United Kingdom 92
MR DAVID MICHAEL BEDFORD Finance Director Sheffield, England 124

Nearby People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
MRS ALISON JAYNE DIX Administrator Wakefield, England 4
MISS CAROLYN HARMAN Accountant Wakefield, United Kingdom 1
DANIEL LEE MALBY Wakefield, United Kingdom 1
NICHOLAS RUSSELL JAMIESON Company Director Wakefield, England 4
MR RONALD CHRISTOPHER WILLETT Company Director Wakefield, United Kingdom 5
FIONA ROBINSON Director Wakefield, England 9
MRS JENNIFER BARBARA BOUCHER Company Director Wakefield, England 10
LEE SOUTHON Director Ossett, England 4
MR VINCENT ANTHONY QUIGLEY Company Director Ossett, United Kingdom 26