MR BERNARD JOHN SWINDELLS is a Co Director from Kenilworth Warwickshire. This person was born in February 1953, which was over 71 years ago. MR BERNARD JOHN SWINDELLS is British and resident in England. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 5 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £2,002,728 shareholder value and £888,766 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to VIEWFINDER VENTURES LIMITED on 2006-04-28, from which they resigned on 2022-06-17.
Oakwood Hob Lane
Burton Green
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
VIEWFINDER VENTURES LIMITED | Active | Director | 2006-04-28 until 2022-06-17 | RESIGNED | £1 equity |
DJC (HOTELS) LIMITED | Dissolved - no longer trading | Director | 2006-03-17 | CURRENT | £1 equity |
NOVO IVC LIMITED | Dissolved - no longer trading | Director | 1998-07-01 until 2006-01-13 | RESIGNED | |
COMIS GROUP LIMITED | Active | Director | 1993-11-18 until 2022-06-17 | RESIGNED | £17,548 cash, £178,043 equity |
CLIFFVIEW PROPERTIES LIMITED | Active | Director | RESIGNED | £871,218 cash, £1,824,683 equity |
Companies Controlled
Company | Active from | Level of control |
DJC (HOTELS) LIMITED | 2016-04-06 |
Ownership of shares 75 to 100 percent Voting rights 75 to 100 percent Right to appoint and remove directors |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MRS LESLEY JOYCE GRAEME | Director | Gillingham | 1,946 |
MR MARK WILLIAM HARDY | Managing Director | Worcester, England | 7 |
MRS SYLVIA MARY CLIFFORD | Warwickshire | 5 | |
TIMOTHY JAMES CLIFFORD | Director | Leamington Spa, United Kingdom | 3 |
DIANE MARY SWINDELLS | Kenilworth | 6 | |
MR DENNIS JAMES CLIFFORD | Director | Kenilworth | 2 |
MR JOHN PHILIP KEMBERY | Director | Alcester, England | 20 |
MARTI ALA-HARKONEN | Company Executive | Finland | 1 |
JORI KANERVA | V P | Espoo, Finland | 1 |
JORMA KIELENNIVA | Company President | Finland | 1 |
KIMMO KOIVISTO | Espoo, Finland | 2 | |
HEIKKI NIKKU | Sr Vp | Tuusula, Finland | 2 |
JUHA SOINI | Finland | 2 | |
MR JAMES ANDREW CLIFFORD | Company Director | Wilmslow, England | 4 |
MR DANIEL RICHARD CLIFFORD | Pr Director | Warwickshire | 1 |
FRANCESCA LOUISE PHILSON | Advertising Director | Warwickshire | 1 |
MR THOMAS SWINDELLS | Director | Warwick, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR GUY MARTIN MIDDLEBROOK | Company Director | Warwick, England | 6 |
MRS TRACEY JACQUELINE MIDDLEBROOK | Company Director | Warwick, England | 2 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
ALLAN DEARNLEY-DAVISON | Company Director | Kenilworth, United Kingdom | 2 |
MR PETER GEORGE SPENCE | Jewellers | Kenilworth | 1 |
MRS SUSAN ELIZABETH SPENCE | Gemmologist | Kenilworth | 1 |
CLEVE PHILLIP BELCHER | Engineer | Kenilworth | 1 |
JANETTE MARGARET BELCHER | Secretary | Kenilworth | 2 |
DIANE MARY SWINDELLS | Kenilworth | 6 | |
MICHEL LAZAR | Production Director | Burton Green | 1 |
MICHAEL RAYCRAFT | Director | Kenilworth | 7 |
DARREN JAMES GARFORTH | Director | Kenilworth, England | 2 |
ALAN JOHN HOLMES | Engineer | Kenilworth | 1 |