

MR ADAM BROWN is a Director from Tenterden. This person was born in November 1975, which was over 49 years ago. MR ADAM BROWN is British and resident in United Kingdom. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 1 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £39,176 shareholder value and £289,329 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to KENT PLASTERING CONTRACTORS LIMITED on 2006-01-31.


14 Castweazle, Rolvenden Road
TN30 6UA


Company Appointments - Current and Previous

CompanyName Company Status Role Appointed Appointment Status Assets
KENT PLASTERING CONTRACTORS LIMITED Active Director 2006-01-31 CURRENT £289,329 cash, £39,176 equity

Companies Controlled

Company Active from Level of control
KENT PLASTERING CONTRACTORS LIMITED 2017-01-23 Ownership of shares 75 to 100 percent
Voting rights 75 to 100 percent
Right to appoint and remove directors
KPC GROUP LTD 2022-11-09 Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent
Voting rights 25 to 50 percent
KPC DEVELOPMENTS LTD 2020-06-09 Ownership of shares 50 to 75 percent

Related People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
MRS JANE BROWN Director Tenterden, United Kingdom 5

Nearby People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
MRS JULIET SARAH BURFIELD Director Tenterden, England 3
MR JAMES STEWART BANNISTER Investments Tenterden, United Kingdom 1
MRS JANE BROWN Tenterden 1
MR BRIAN MUSGRAVE Builder Tenterden, United Kingdom 1
MR BRIAN JOHN MUSGRAVE Director Tenderden, England 1
MRS JANE BROWN Director Tenterden, United Kingdom 5
MRS JANE BROWN Tenterden, England 1
MR ADAM BROWN Company Director Tenterden, England 1
MRS JANE BROWN Tenterden, England 1
MR ADAM BROWN Company Director Tenterden, England 1