GRAHAM BERNARD JACKSON is a Manager from Battle East Sussex. This person was born in May 1954, which was over 70 years ago. GRAHAM BERNARD JACKSON is British and resident in United Kingdom. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 7 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £16,812,462 shareholder value and £2,558,413 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to LITTLEWOOD RENEWABLES LIMITED on 2011-10-05, from which they resigned on 2017-12-13.
Littlewood Fencing
North Trade Road
East Sussex
TN33 9LJ
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
LITTLEWOOD RENEWABLES LIMITED | Active | Director | 2011-10-05 until 2017-12-13 | RESIGNED | |
LITTLEWOOD FENCING LIMITED | Active | Director | 2004-03-18 until 2017-12-13 | RESIGNED | £2,384,120 cash, £13,718,431 equity |
LAMBERHURST HOLDINGS LIMITED | Dissolved - no longer trading or on registry | Director | 1998-11-19 until 1999-09-29 | RESIGNED | |
ASSET INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Active | Director | 1998-01-19 until 1998-12-11 | RESIGNED | |
OAKOVER HOLDINGS LIMITED | Active | Director | RESIGNED | £174,293 cash, £3,094,031 equity |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
CHRISTOPHER JOHN BURR | Director | Evesham | 195 |
ADRIAN PETER DREWE | Director | Ticehurst | 11 |
MR CHRISTOPHER KERR BROWN | Financial Director | Lamberhurst, England | 42 |
MR PAUL FREDERICK HOBDEN | Director | Hailsham, United Kingdom | 8 |
MS DEREKA ANNE SYMES | Accountant | Billericay, United Kingdom | 31 |
GILLIAN MARGARET HOBDEN | Administrator | Battle | 2 |
JONATHAN MICHAEL HOBDEN | Director | Hailsham, United Kingdom | 4 |
NICHOLAS HENRY HOBDEN | Director | Hailsham, United Kingdom | 5 |
MICHAEL ERNEST HOBDEN | Company Director | Hailsham | 2 |
JONATHAN JAMES DREWE | Project Manager | Ticehurst, United Kingdom | 2 |
PATRICK ROBERT SIMS | Director | South Brent | 9 |
MR GRAHAM JOHN TAYLOR | Director | Chorley | 1 |
MR CHRISTOPHER GREENSTREET | Company Director | Bedford | 1 |
MS KAREN LORRAINE ATTERBURY | Company Secretary | Solihull | 120 |
MR JON TILLOTT | Company Director | Blackwood, Wales | 2 |
MR JEHAD VERJEE | Company Director | Warwick, England | 19 |
JAMES MARTIN MAITLAND | Chief Commercial Officer | Manchester, England | 8 |
KEVIN ALEXANDER FOWLIE | Chief Operating Officer | Manchester, England | 22 |
MR MICHAEL PORTER | Chief Financial Officer | Manchester, England | 27 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
ANNE TERRILL HOLLIDAY | Chief Executive Officer | Battle, England | 3 |
JOHN MICHAEL LOCKE | Marketing Director | Battle, England | 2 |
JOHN MICHAEL LOCKE | Director | Battle, England | 5 |
COLIN HAROLD POTNER SMITH | Chartered Accountant | Battle | 2 |
GILLIAN MARGARET HOBDEN | Administrator | Battle | 2 |
GRAHAM BERNARD JACKSON | None | Battle, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR TONY PAWSON | Publican | Battle, United Kingdom | 1 |
MRS DENISA LEE | Administrator | Battle, England | 3 |
MR DUNCAN WILLIAM JOHN LEE | Technical Director | Battle, England | 2 |
MR WARREN ELLIOTT STANTON | Director | Battle, England | 5 |