DR AZFAR HYDER is a Dentist from Ferryhill County Durham. This person was born in February 1969, which was over 55 years ago. DR AZFAR HYDER is British and resident in England. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 3 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £8 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to PERSEUS POSITIVE LLP on 2006-08-05, from which they resigned on 2024-04-05.
The Old Sorting Office, 2 Durham Road
County Durham
DL17 8LG
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
PERSEUS POSITIVE LLP | Active | Llp Member | 2006-08-05 until 2024-04-05 | RESIGNED | |
ALTAIR GREEN LLP | Active | Llp Member | 2006-08-05 until 2024-04-04 | RESIGNED | |
THE GREY HOUSE (DURHAM) MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED | Active | Director | 2004-01-08 until 2024-06-07 | RESIGNED | £8 cash |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MONICA TERZANI | Director | Maidstone, England | 3 |
NERYS ANN JOHNSON | Artist | Durham | 2 |
JOSEPH EDWARD MCKAY | Civil Servant | Durham, England | 1 |
ROSS MCLARDIE | Engineer] | Durham | 1 |
DR JOAN MUNBY | University Tutor | Durham | 1 |
PETER JOSEPH ROWELL | Durham | 2 | |
GREGORY TUDOR DAVIES | School Teacher | Durham | 1 |
KATHRYN LEE | Consultant | Durham | 1 |
DR MAIRI CLAIRE MCGOWEN | Doctor Of Medicine | Durham | 1 |
THOMAS AMOS MCKAY | Engineer | Durham | 1 |
COLIN TONKS | Retired | Durham | 1 |
ANGELA JAYNE WHITE | Training Officer | Durham | 1 |
MERVYN JAMES WHITE | Computer Consultant | Branston | 1 |
OLIVER ZIMMER | University Lecturer | Durham | 1 |
MR JONATHAN DAVID MURRAY BASS | Manager | Bath, United Kingdom | 9 |
MISS SARAH PAUL | Accountant | Durham, England | 1 |
DR GEORGE ALEXANDER GAZIS | Associate Professor Of Classics | Durham, England | 1 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
DR MOHAMMED AZFAR HYDER | Dentist | Ferryhill, England | 1 |