MR STEVEN CENARTH EVANS is a Director from Swansea. This person was born in September 1970, which was over 54 years ago. MR STEVEN CENARTH EVANS is British and resident in Australia. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 2 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £-1,639 shareholder value in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to STEVEN C EVANS LIMITED on 2012-04-30.
Mha House, Charter Court
Phoenix Way, Swansea Enterprise Park
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
STEVEN C EVANS LIMITED | Active | Director | 2012-04-30 | CURRENT | £-1,639 equity |
ALWAY ASSOCIATES (LONDON) LIMITED | Dissolved - no longer trading | Director | 2012-01-01 until 2012-09-14 | RESIGNED |
Companies Controlled
Company | Active from | Level of control |
Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent Voting rights 25 to 50 percent |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR ANDREW CHARLES FERGUSON | Director | Stratford-Upon-Avon, United Kingdom | 20 |
MR LORNE VICTOR ALWAY | Company Director | Oxfordshire, United Kingdom | 10 |
MR RYLAND LOUIS ASH | London, England | 2 | |
MR PETER BARNES | Chartered Surveyor | Loughton, United Kingdom | 9 |
MARK BEZZANT | Contracts Consultant | Fareham, England | 3 |
MR KEVIN FRANCIS MCKEE | Director | Aylesbury, England | 4 |
MR PETER ORMSTON | Director | Runcorn, England | 3 |
MR MICHAEL ROWLINSON | Chartered Quantity Surveyor | Keswick, England | 2 |
ROBERT JOHN SHAWYER | Consultant | Coventry, United Kingdom | 2 |
MR ROBERT ANDREW SLIWINSKI | Solicitor | Loudwater, England | 4 |
MR ALEXANDER JOHN VAUGHAN | Director | London, United Kingdom | 23 |
MS BARBARA JEAN MOORE | Consultant | Stratford Upon Avon, United Kingdom | 23 |
MRS LINDY JANE EVANS | Director | Swansea, Wales | 1 |
MR RICHARD NORMAN SILVER | Director | Woodford Green, England | 13 |
MR TIMOTHY GARNET BOWEN | Engineer/Director | Maidenhead, England | 18 |
MS TRACEY ALISON WOOD | Solicitor | Maidenhead, England | 41 |
MR STEVE SADLER | Chartered Accountant | Altrincham | 35 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR MICHAEL ROBERT BREACH | Consultant | Swansea, Wales | 14 |
MRS JUDITH EILEEN BARROWS | Swansea, United Kingdom | 5 | |
MR ALAN JONES | Company Director | Swansea, United Kingdom | 9 |
MR SIDNEY AUGUSTUS HERBERT | Company Director | Swansea, Wales | 22 |
JONATHAN PERRETT | Director | Swansea, United Kingdom | 4 |
MR NEIL COLEBROOK LLOYD | Sales Director | Swansea, Wales | 2 |
MR THOMAS MARK WILLIAMS | Managing Director | Swansea, Wales | 4 |
CHARLES ALEXANDER JOHN BECKETT BAKER | None | Swansea, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR ROBERT CHARLES APPLEYARD | Director | Swansea, Wales | 7 |
PROFESSOR STEVEN LEWIS KELLY | Professor | Swansea, United Kingdom | 2 |