MR CHRISTOPHER JOHN ELDON WHATTAM is a Co Director from Wymondham Norfolk. This person was born in March 1941, which was over 83 years ago. MR CHRISTOPHER JOHN ELDON WHATTAM is British and resident in United Kingdom. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 9 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £1,556,598 shareholder value and £1,031,428 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to HARP VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED on 2010-03-05, from which they resigned on 2010-11-04.
71 Barnham Broom Road
NR18 0RN
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
HARP VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED | Active | Director | 2010-03-05 until 2010-11-04 | RESIGNED | £1,333,823 equity |
KFS REALISATIONS 2018 LIMITED | In Administration | Director | 2009-04-01 until 2010-09-01 | RESIGNED | |
VDEPOT LIMITED | Active | Director | 2008-04-30 until 2011-06-30 | RESIGNED | £715,055 cash, £609,375 equity |
INSPIRALIS LIMITED | Active | Director | 2008-01-22 until 2009-12-16 | RESIGNED | £310,540 cash, £516,547 equity |
FORENSIC DNA SERVICES LIMITED | Dissolved - no longer trading | Director | 2006-02-14 until 2011-09-01 | RESIGNED | |
ANGLIA D N A SERVICES LTD | Dissolved - no longer trading | Director | 2006-01-16 until 2006-08-10 | RESIGNED | £5,833 cash, £-903,147 equity |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR DAVID JOHN GOFF | Langar, Uk | 14 | |
DR THOMAS HAIZEL | Company Director | Norwich, England | 21 |
RICHARD JOHN BEESE | Business Consultant | Norwich | 6 |
MR JOHN CHARLES AUGUSTUS DAVID BUCHAN | Company Director | Norwich, United Kingdom | 14 |
MR MATTHEW RICHARD HALL | Investor | Norwich, England | 2 |
LORD GEOFFREY JAMES DEAR | Chairman | Exeter | 16 |
MR ANTHONY EDWARD BLAKE | Director | Norwich, England | 11 |
MR ROGER COOK | Retired | Epsom | 4 |
MR PAUL DAVID HACKETT | Director | Coventry, England | 5 |
MR BRIAN DAVID THOMAS | Accountant | Kenilworth | 13 |
MR MICHAEL LEONARD HOLDEN | Director | Coventry, United Kingdom | 10 |
NICOLAS PAUL BURTON | Scientist | Norwich | 2 |
ALISON JANE HOWELLS | Research Scientist | Foulsham, Great Britain | 1 |
ANTHONY MAXWELL | Biochemist | Attleborough | 5 |
MR ANDREW CHARLES WATTON | Director | Thuxton | 4 |
MR. IAIN DAVID HILL | Operations Director | Norwich, England | 2 |
DR NATASSJA GRETHE BUSH | Scientist | Norwich, England | 1 |
MR CHRISTOPHER JAMES HANNANT | Director | Colton, United Kingdom | 2 |
SIMON JAMES YVON SAXBY | Chief Executive | Norwich, England | 1 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR JOHN BEVERLEY SMITH CHARLEY | Director | Wymondham | 1 |
BARRY GILBERT-MIGUET | Director External Relations | Wymondham, Britain | 2 |
DR CHARLES MICHAEL SIGNY | Retired | Wymondham | 2 |
MRS MONICA HOWARD | Secretary | Wymondham, United Kingdom | 1 |