YUZHOU SHEN is a Director from Birmingham. This person was born in January 1987, which was over 38 years ago. YUZHOU SHEN is Chinese and resident in China. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 1 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £10 shareholder value and £10 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to SYZYC LIMITED on 2013-02-19.
Unit5, Latitude
Bromsgrove Street
B5 6AB
United Kingdom
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
SYZYC LIMITED | Dissolved - no longer trading | Director | 2013-02-19 | CURRENT | £10 cash, £10 equity |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
HARRY SCHMIDT | Consultant | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR YUEBO ZHENG | It | Birmingham, England | 1 |
MRS. YANG GUO | Director | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 3 |
NATALIE JOHNSON | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 1 | |
MR JOSHUA ROBIN DOUGLAS-MOORE | Graphic Designer | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 1 |
MS ALEXANDRE MICHELLE LEWIN | Makeup Artist | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 1 |
MISS JIA CHEN | Consultancy | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR KIM YUAN YOONG | Director | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR MATTHEW D'ARCY MARRIOTT | Director | Birmingham, England | 2 |
MR BOON CHEONG | Managing Director | Birmingham, England | 2 |