HITEN LALIT KANTELIA is a Company Director from Leicester. This person was born in May 1967, which was over 57 years ago. HITEN LALIT KANTELIA is British and resident in England. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 2 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £-773,605 shareholder value and £148,403 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to ASSETTAGZ LIMITED on 2014-01-22, from which they resigned on 2021-08-26.
Ashcroft House, Ervington Court
Meridian Business Park
LE19 1WL
Company Appointments - Current and Previous
CompanyName | Company Status | Role | Appointed | Appointment Status | Assets |
ASSETTAGZ LIMITED | Active | Director | 2014-01-22 until 2021-08-26 | RESIGNED | £145,836 cash, £-1,683 equity |
4HSOLUTIONS LIMITED | Liquidation | Director | 2008-05-29 | CURRENT | £2,567 cash, £-771,922 equity |
Related People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
GARNET EDWARD RICHARD HAMPSON | Director | Pride Park, United Kingdom | 2 |
ANDREW JAMES DAVIES | Director | Rearsby | 1 |
MR HUW DAVID GRIFFITHS | Managing Director | Isleworth, United Kingdom | 5 |
MR SIMON CHRISTOPHER HEATH | Director | Spalding | 5 |
LORI KING | Director | Cossington, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR JAMES FREDERICK BARRY | Director | Hindhead, England | 1 |
MR ADRIAN TREVOR HALLS | Director | Hindhead, United Kingdom | 1 |
Nearby People
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MR MIKE REGINALD CAMERON | Company Director | Leicester | 9 |
BELINDA BURTON | Leicester | 1 | |
MARY COLES | Administrator | Leicester | 1 |
ALAN THORNEYCROFT | Joiner | Leicester | 1 |
MR MARK WILLIAM CLARK | Engineer | Leicester | 5 |
MR JOHN PILKINGTON | Non Executive Director | Leicester | 43 |
MRS ELIZABETH ANN ORGILL | Leicester | 1 | |
MR STUART JAMES ORGILL | Company Director | Leicester | 3 |
MR JONATHAN JAMES DENNIS | Leicester | 1 | |
MISS LINDI MNGAZA | Leicester | 1 |