

ADRIAN HAY is a Consulting Engineer from Manchester. This person was born in April 1965, which was over 59 years ago. ADRIAN HAY is British and resident in United Kingdom. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 4 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £2,812,007 shareholder value and £1,585,747 cash in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to TENOS TRUSTEES LIMITED on 2019-04-04, from which they resigned on 2024-01-16.


1, St. Peters Square
M2 3DE


Company Appointments - Current and Previous

CompanyName Company Status Role Appointed Appointment Status Assets
TENOS TRUSTEES LIMITED Active Director 2019-04-04 until 2024-01-16 RESIGNED
TENOS LTD. Active Secretary 2007-08-06 until 2017-11-21 RESIGNED £1,585,747 cash, £2,812,007 equity
ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CONSULTANTS Dissolved - no longer trading Director 2003-06-25 until 2015-05-08 RESIGNED
TENOS LTD. Active Director 1996-11-13 CURRENT £1,585,747 cash, £2,812,007 equity

Companies Controlled

Company Active from Level of control
TENOS LTD. 2016-04-06 - 2023-07-18 Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent
Voting rights 25 to 50 percent

Related People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
PATRICK WILLIAM CAREY Fire Consultant Welling 8
MR MICHAEL GEORGE GREEN Consulting Engineer Wetherby, United Kingdom 6
DR BRIAN RICHARD KIRBY Fire Safety Engineering Doncaster, England 6
GRAHAM VINCENT WILES Director High Wycombe 6
RICHARD FORREST Company Director East Grinstead 4
MR STEVEN ANDREW COOPER Chartered Engineer Talbot Road Trafford 3
JOHN RICHARD BARNFIELD Consulting Engineer Talbot Road Trafford 2
MR MOSTYN JAMES BULLOCK Fire Safety Consultancy Manchester, England 1
RUSSELL FRANCIS CLINTON Consulting Engineer Manchester, England 2
MR DOMINIC CHARLES FRANCIS VALLELY Fire Safety Consultancy Talbot Road Trafford 1
MR PAUL MICHAEL HOBAN Chartered Management Accountant Manchester, England 7
SIMON DAVID HIBBERD Fire Safety Engineer Manchester, United Kingdom 1
STEVEN PORTER Fire Engineer Manchester, United Kingdom 1
MR PETER IAN CAMP Chartered Fire Engineer Manchester, England 1
MR SAMUEL GREENWOOD Chartered Fire Engineer Manchester, England 1
MRS NICOLA MAXINE HERDMAN Accountant Manchester, England 1
MR ANDREW MICHAEL FOOLKES Chartered Fire Engineer Manchester, England 2
MR STUART ASTIN KERR Chartered Fire Engineer Manchester, England 1

Nearby People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
MR PHILIP PACEY Director Manchester, United Kingdom 31
MR ROGER HART Solicitor Manchester, United Kingdom 1,712
MR JONATHAN JOSEPH FLORSHEIM Director Manchester, United Kingdom 13
MR PHILIPP WESTERMANN Director Manchester, United Kingdom 16
EMMA SUZANNE DAVIES Manchester, United Kingdom 9
MR. MAREC ELDEN EDGAR Manchester, United Kingdom 1
DAVID ANDREW WALTON Company Director Manchester, United Kingdom 24
MR MICHAEL STEVEN GRAHAM Director Manchester, United Kingdom 20
EMMA SUZANNE DAVIES Manchester, United Kingdom 1
JANE MOHYUDDIN Marketing Consultant Manchester, England 1