Check Company - Free Business and Director reports
Checkcompany provides completely free and open information about Companies and Company Directors and Officers in the United Kingdom.
Our information includes both Company and Director profiles and published company accounts. Company accounts and reports are added on a daily basis and published on our site as soon as the information is made publicly available.
Recent Reports & Accounts
Recently Added Company Officers
Name | Occupation | Address | No of Appointments |
MRS TINA JILL PICKSTOCK | Company Director | Colwich, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR DANIEL EMIL LANG | Head Finance & Controlling Region Emea | Ch-8916, Switzerland | 1 |
MR ZORAN ILJADICA | Area Manager Europe North | Zagreb, Croatia | 1 |
STEPHEN LAMB | Director | Diss, United Kingdom | 1 |
STEPHEN BARRY FENBY | Director | Diss, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR PAUL FRANCIS MCMANUS | Company Director | Glasgow, Scotland | 1 |
MR DAVID JOHN WAITES | Retired | Stockport, England | 1 |
MR SEYMOUR PAUL FERREIRA | Consultant | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1 |
MR ZHENPENG WANG | Director | West Midlands, England, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR CHRISTOPHER THOMAS SLEIGH | Solicitor | Manchester, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR WILLIAM GERARD COEN | Retired | Manchester, England | 1 |
MRS KERRIS JANE SLAWSON | Retired | Stoke-On-Trent, England | 1 |
MR ALAN PETER BENTLEY | Retired | Norwich, England | 1 |
MR STEVEN MARK GLEW | Retired | Pulborough, England | 1 |
DR COLIN SMITH | Retired | Redruth, England | 1 |
MR DAVID PUJOLAR SEGURA | Chief Executive | Rochdale, England | 1 |
MR NATHAN ALAN MIDDAUGH | Financial Analyst | Dromara, Northern Ireland | 1 |
MRS SHARRON MILNER | Civil Servant | Dromore, Northern Ireland | 1 |
KEITH DUNCAN BARRELL | Rgn Nurse | Droitwich | 1 |
KATIE JOY INGRAM | Homemaker | Droitwich | 1 |
MR MATTHEW JOHN LEWIS NEBEL | Company Director | Droitwich | 1 |
MRS EMMA LOUISE NEBEL | Company Director | Droitwich | 1 |
MR IAN CHARLES HOLFORD | Company Secretary | Droitwich | 1 |
MR DAVID EWAN MCCUBBIN | Director | Windermere, England | 1 |
MR MACAULEY WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER | Director | Coalville, England | 1 |
MR ALEXANDER MARTIN DYKE | Retired | Driffield, England | 1 |
MRS SAMANTHA JOANNE INNES | Company Director | Richmond, United Kingdom | 1 |
MR ARJUN SINGH SARAO | Doctor | London, United Kingdom | 1 |
MRS ASHLEIGH MCCULLOCH | Director | Glasgow, Scotland | 1 |
MRS NICOLA BEAL | Chair/Director | Glasgow, Scotland | 1 |