Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd 31/05/2019 iXBRL

31/05/2019 2019-05-31 false false false false false false false false false false true false false true false false false false false false false false No description of principal activities is disclosed 2018-06-01 Sage Accounts Production 19.0 - FRS102_2014 xbrli:pure xbrli:shares iso4217:GBP 04948325 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 2019-05-31 04948325 2018-05-31 04948325 2017-06-01 2018-05-31 04948325 2018-05-31 04948325 2017-05-31 04948325 core:PlantMachinery 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 core:FurnitureFittingsToolsEquipment 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 core:MotorVehicles 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:RegisteredOffice 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:LeadAgentIfApplicable 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:Director1 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:Director3 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:Director4 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 core:ShareCapital 2017-06-01 2018-05-31 04948325 core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses 2017-06-01 2018-05-31 04948325 core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 core:WithinOneYear 2019-05-31 04948325 core:WithinOneYear 2018-05-31 04948325 core:AfterOneYear 2019-05-31 04948325 core:AfterOneYear 2018-05-31 04948325 core:ShareCapital 2019-05-31 04948325 core:ShareCapital 2018-05-31 04948325 core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses 2019-05-31 04948325 core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses 2018-05-31 04948325 core:ShareCapital 2017-05-31 04948325 core:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses 2017-05-31 04948325 bus:SmallEntities 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:AuditExemptWithAccountantsReport 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:AbridgedAccounts 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:SmallCompaniesRegimeForAccounts 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 bus:PrivateLimitedCompanyLtd 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 core:Associate1 2018-06-01 2019-05-31 04948325 core:Associate1 2017-06-01 2018-05-31 04948325 core:Associate1 2019-05-31 04948325 core:Associate1 2018-05-31
Statement of consent to prepare abridged financial statements
All of the members of Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd have consented to the preparation of the abridged statement of comprehensive income and the abridged statement of financial position for the current year ending 31 May 2019 in accordance with Section 444(2A) of the Companies Act 2006.
Company registration number: 04948325
Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Unaudited filleted abridged financial statements
31 May 2019
Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Directors and other information
Accountant's report
Abridged statement of financial position
Statement of changes in equity
Notes to the financial statements
Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Directors and other information
Directors Mr. David Wood
Mr Martin Bruno
Mrs Claire Wood
Company number 04948325
Registered office 2 Midland Court
Midland Way
S43 4UL
Business address 2 Midland Court
Midland Way
S43 4UL
Accountant Williamsons
The Old School House
Matlock Road
S42 7LG
Bankers HSBC
58 High Street
NG15 7BA
Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Report to the board of directors on the preparation of the
unaudited statutory financial statements of Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Year ended 31 May 2019
In order to assist you to fulfil your duties under the Companies Act 2006, I have prepared for your approval the financial statements of Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd for the year ended 31 May 2019 which comprise the abridged statement of financial position, statement of changes in equity and related notes from the company's accounting records and from information and explanations you have given me.
As a practising member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, I am subject to its ethical and other professional requirements which are detailed at professional-standards/ rules-standards/acca-rulebook.html.
My work has been undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants as detailed at /Technical/fact/technical-factsheet-163.pdf.
Chartered Certified Accountants
The Old School House
Matlock Road
S42 7LG
25 November 2019
Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Abridged statement of financial position
31 May 2019
2019 2018
Note £ £ £ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 5 682,792 574,887
_______ _______
682,792 574,887
Current assets
Stocks - 67,000
Debtors 4,060,545 2,174,462
Cash at bank and in hand 125,766 44,214
_______ _______
4,186,311 2,285,676
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year ( 2,260,045) ( 1,208,813)
_______ _______
Net current assets 1,926,266 1,076,863
_______ _______
Total assets less current liabilities 2,609,058 1,651,750
Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year ( 71,245) ( 40,666)
_______ _______
Net assets 2,537,813 1,611,084
_______ _______
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 50 50
Profit and loss account 2,537,763 1,611,034
_______ _______
Shareholders funds 2,537,813 1,611,084
_______ _______
For the year ending 31 May 2019 the company was entitled to exemption from audit under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.
Directors responsibilities:
- The members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year in question in accordance with section 476;
- The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of financial statements.
These financial statements have been prepared and delivered in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies' regime and in accordance with FRS 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland'.
In accordance with section 444 of the Companies Act 2006, the abridged statement of comprehensive income has not been delivered.
These financial statements were approved by the board of directors and authorised for issue on 25 November 2019 , and are signed on behalf of the board by:
Mr. David Wood
Company registration number: 04948325
Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Statement of changes in equity
Year ended 31 May 2019
Called up share capital Profit and loss account Total
£ £ £
At 1 June 2017 100 1,564,509 1,564,609
Profit for the year 382,475 382,475
_______ _______ _______
Total comprehensive income for the year - 382,475 382,475
Dividends paid and payable ( 32,000) ( 32,000)
Redemption of shares ( 50) ( 303,950) ( 304,000)
_______ _______ _______
Total investments by and distributions to owners ( 50) ( 335,950) ( 336,000)
_______ _______ _______
At 31 May 2018 and 1 June 2018 50 1,611,034 1,611,084
Profit for the year 1,013,729 1,013,729
_______ _______ _______
Total comprehensive income for the year - 1,013,729 1,013,729
Dividends paid and payable ( 87,000) ( 87,000)
_______ _______ _______
Total investments by and distributions to owners - ( 87,000) ( 87,000)
_______ _______ _______
At 31 May 2019 50 2,537,763 2,537,813
_______ _______ _______
Abbotsbury Contractors Ltd
Notes to the financial statements
Year ended 31 May 2019
1. General information
The company is a private company limited by shares, registered in England and Wales. The address of the registered office is 2 Midland Court, Midland Way, Barlborough, Chesterfield, S43 4UL.
2. Statement of compliance
These financial statements have been prepared in compliance with the provisions of FRS 102, Section 1A, 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland'.
3. Accounting policies
Basis of preparation
The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, as modified by the revaluation of certain financial assets and liabilities and investment properties measured at fair value through profit or loss.
The financial statements are prepared in sterling, which is the functional currency of the entity.
Turnover is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for goods supplied and services rendered, net of discounts and Value Added Tax.
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have transferred to the buyer, usually on despatch of the goods; the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the entity and the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transactions can be measured reliably.
The taxation expense represents the aggregate amount of current and deferred tax recognised in the reporting period. Tax is recognised in the statement of comprehensive income, except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in capital and reserves. In this case, tax is recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in capital and reserves, respectively. Current tax is recognised on taxable profit for the current and past periods. Current tax is measured at the amounts of tax expected to pay or recover using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.
Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences at the reporting date. Unrelieved tax losses and other deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that they will be recovered against the reversal of deferred tax liabilities or other future taxable profits. Deferred tax is measured using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date that are expected to apply to the reversal of the timing difference.
Tangible assets
tangible assets are initially recorded at cost, and are subsequently stated at cost less any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Any tangible assets carried at revalued amounts are recorded at the fair value at the date of revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment losses. An increase in the carrying amount of an asset as a result of a revaluation, is recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in capital and reserves, except to the extent it reverses a revaluation decrease of the same asset previously recognised in profit or loss. A decrease in the carrying amount of an asset as a result of revaluation is recognised in other comprehensive income to the extent of any previously recognised revaluation increase accumulated in capital and reserves in respect of that asset. Where a revaluation decrease exceeds the accumulated revaluation gains accumulated in capital and reserves in respect of that asset, the excess shall be recognised in profit or loss.
Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost or valuation of an asset, less its residual value, over the useful economic life of that asset as follows:
Plant and machinery - 25 % reducing balance
Fittings fixtures and equipment - 25 % reducing balance
Motor vehicles - 25 % reducing balance
If there is an indication that there has been a significant change in depreciation rate, useful life or residual value of tangible assets, the depreciation is revised prospectively to reflect the new estimates.
Stocks are measured at the lower of cost and estimated selling price less costs to complete and sell. Cost includes all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the stocks to their present location and condition.
Government grants
Government grants are recognised at the fair value of the asset received or receivable. Grants are not recognised until there is reasonable assurance that the company will comply with the conditions attaching to them and the grants will be received. Government grants are recognised using the accrual model and the performance model. Under the accrual model, government grants relating to revenue are recognised on a systematic basis over the periods in which the company recognises the related costs for which the grant is intended to compensate. Grants that are receivable as compensation for expenses or losses already incurred or for the purpose of giving immediate financial support to the entity with no future related costs are recognised in income in the period in which it becomes receivable. Grants relating to assets are recognised in income on a systematic basis over the expected useful life of the asset. Where part of a grant relating to an asset is deferred, it is recognised as deferred income and not deducted from the carrying amount of the asset. Under the performance model, where the grant does not impose specified future performance-related conditions on the recipient, it is recognised in income when the grant proceeds are received or receivable. Where the grant does impose specified future performance-related conditions on the recipient, it is recognised in income only when the performance-related conditions have been met. Where grants received are prior to satisfying the revenue recognition criteria, they are recognised as a liability.
Defined contribution plans
Contributions to defined contribution plans are recognised as an expense in the period in which the related service is provided. Prepaid contributions are recognised as an asset to the extent that the prepayment will lead to a reduction in future payments or a cash refund. When contributions are not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months of the end of the reporting date in which the employees render the related service, the liability is measured on a discounted present value basis. The unwinding of the discount is recognised in finance costs in profit or loss in the period in which it arises.
4. Employee numbers
The average number of persons employed by the company during the year amounted to 32 (2018: 28 ).
5. Tangible assets
At 1 June 2018 795,004
Additions 214,218
Disposals ( 116,589)
At 31 May 2019 892,633
At 1 June 2018 220,116
Charge for the year 67,664
Disposals ( 77,939)
At 31 May 2019 209,841
Carrying amount
At 31 May 2019 682,792
At 31 May 2018 574,888
6. Related party transactions
During the year the company entered into the following transactions with related parties:
Transaction value Balance owed by/(owed to)
2019 2018 2019 2018
£ £ £ £
Woodall Homes Ltd 7,092,466 5,304,280 1,794,147 1,327,320
_______ _______ _______ _______