Abbreviated Company Accounts - OCEANAIR TRAVEL (UK) LIMITED

Abbreviated Company Accounts - OCEANAIR TRAVEL (UK) LIMITED

Registered Number SC250943


Abbreviated Accounts

31 December 2014

OCEANAIR TRAVEL (UK) LIMITED Registered Number SC250943

Abbreviated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2014

Notes 2014 2013
£ £
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - -
Tangible assets 2 - -
Investments - -
- -
Current assets
Stocks - -
Debtors 266,598 311,290
Investments - -
Cash at bank and in hand 180,811 160,227
447,409 471,517
Prepayments and accrued income - -
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (241,943) (271,998)
Net current assets (liabilities) 205,466 199,519
Total assets less current liabilities 205,466 199,519
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 0 0
Provisions for liabilities 0 0
Accruals and deferred income 0 0
Total net assets (liabilities) 205,466 199,519
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 40,000 40,000
Profit and loss account 165,466 159,519
Shareholders' funds 205,466 199,519
  • For the year ending 31 December 2014 the company was entitled to exemption under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.
  • The members have not required the company to obtain an audit in accordance with section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of accounts.
  • These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

Approved by the Board on 16 April 2015

And signed on their behalf by:
Douglas W Lang, Director

OCEANAIR TRAVEL (UK) LIMITED Registered Number SC250943

Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2014

1Accounting Policies

Basis of measurement and preparation of accounts
The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and on the going concern basis.

Turnover policy
Revenue and costs from the sale of air-tickets are recognised when orders are confirmed by the customers. Turnover is disclosed gross as opposed to on a commission only basis as the company acts as a Principal. If these sales are not invoiced at the end of the year the income is accrued and included within debtors.

Tangible assets depreciation policy
Tangible fixed assets are recorded as cost. Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis to write off the cost, less estimated residual value, of tangible fixed assets over their anticipated useful lives as follows:

Furniture and equipment - over 5 years

Other accounting policies
Foreign currencies
Monetary assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date or at the agreed contractual rate. Transactions in foreign currency are translated at the rate ruling at the date of the transaction. All differences on exchange are taken to the profit and loss account.

The company operates a defined contribution pension scheme, the assets of which are held in a separate trust fund. Contributions are determined with due regard to industry norms and local practice, and are charged to the profit and loss account as incurred.

The Company records a tax charge or credit in the profit and loss account calculated at the tax rate prevailing in the year for tax payable to HM Revenue and Customs, or for group relief to surrender to or to be received from other Group undertakings, and for which payment may be requested.
The charge for ordinary taxation is based on the profit for the year and takes into account full provision for deferred tax, using the approach set out in Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 19 "Deferred Tax" in respect of timing differences on a non-discounted basis. Such timing differences arise primarily from the differing treatment for taxation and accounting purposes of provisions and depreciation of fixed assets.

Deferred taxation
Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date, where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date.
A net deferred tax asset is recognised as recoverable and therefore recognised only when, on the basis of all available evidence, it can be regarded as more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable profits against which to recover carried forward tax losses and from which the future reversal of underlying timing differences can be deducted. Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which the timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis.

Cash flow statement
The company is exempt from the requirements of FRS1 “Cash flow Statement” (Revised) to include a cash flow statement as it qualifies as a small company as defined by the Companies Act 2006.

2Tangible fixed assets
At 1 January 2014 21,017
Additions -
Disposals (658)
Revaluations -
Transfers -
At 31 December 2014 20,359
At 1 January 2014 21,017
Charge for the year -
On disposals (658)
At 31 December 2014 20,359
Net book values
At 31 December 2014 0
At 31 December 2013 0