Accounts filed on 31-12-2014

true8772699The Funeral Trustee Company Ltd2014-12-31503449777887778880681158469-501004244524450truetruetruetrue2015-08-06Robert Morton2445April 2008Cash Flow StatementThe Company is exempt from including a statement of cash flows in its accounts in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective April 2008).TaxationCorporation tax payable is provided on taxable profits at the current rates.Provision is made for deferred taxation in so far as a liability or asset has arisen as a result of transactions that had occurred by the balance sheet date and have given rise to an obligation to pay more tax in the future, or the right to pay less tax in the future. An asset has not been recognised to the extent that the transfer of economic benefits in the future is uncertain. Deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised have not been discounted.TurnoverTurnover represents the invoiced value of goods and services supplied by the company, net of value added tax and trade discounts.InvestmentsFixed asset investments are shown at cost less amounts written off.Provisions are made for temporary fluctuations in value.Cost Of SalesCost of sales represents all costs incurred up to the point of sale including the operating expenses of the trading outlets.Robert MortonMalcolm StalkerCarl Marlow resigned 3 July 20142445573965373465947300000000Carl Marlow - who ceased to be a member and director on 3 July 2014 is a director of Go As You Please Funerals 2009 Ltd, which is the supplier of all the funerals purchased in the year and is the company that does all the marketing for the funeral plans.In the period up to 3 July 2014 the marketing/admin fees paid were £23,040 and the funerals purchased were £6,985.There were no related party balances at the year end since there were no related parties at that point.Controlling PartyThe company is controlled by the directors since they are both members and directors.503449xbrli:sharesiso4217:GBPxbrli:pure 2015-08-12