Accounts filed on 31-12-2014

true04322741Community Housing Services Ltd2014-12-315566693355666933451246234512462344586449575487-52223-59753-46657-52820-46657-52820truetruetruetrue2015-09-28P Aikins-KumiS OparahDirector-46657-52820-59830April 2008Cash Flow StatementThe Company is exempt from including a statement of cash flows in its accounts in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective April 2008).Plant And Machinery0.2Commercial Vehicles0.25P Aikins-KumiS OparahOrdinaryOrdinary-46657-52820277483286429432323765718065240206272038024701773017006724-0Commercial Vehicles1500015000001233111441890-0355926693374289735380247035627284471614030061Mr S Oparah had a material interest in rents paid by the Company during the year as he was the receipient in respect of properties he personally owned.Controlling PartyThe company was under the control of Mr S Oparah, a director, throughout the whole of the current, and previous, period.xbrli:sharesiso4217:GBPxbrli:pure 2015-09-28