Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 23.2.5

Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 23.2.5

IRIS Accounts Production v23.2.0.158 07652869 director 1.4.22 31.3.23 31.3.23 false true false false true false iso4217:GBPiso4217:USDiso4217:EURxbrli:sharesxbrli:pureutr:tonnesutr:kWh076528692022-03-31076528692023-03-31076528692022-04-012023-03-31076528692021-03-31076528692021-04-012022-03-31076528692022-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns15:EnglandWales2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns14:PoundSterlingns10:Original2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns10:Director12022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Original2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Original2023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns10:PrivateLimitedCompanyLtd2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns10:SmallEntities2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns10:AuditExempt-NoAccountantsReport2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns10:SmallCompaniesRegimeForDirectorsReport2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:SmallCompaniesRegimeForAccountsns10:Original2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns10:AbridgedAccounts2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Original2022-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns5:CurrentFinancialInstruments2023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns5:CurrentFinancialInstruments2022-03-3107652869ns5:ShareCapitalns10:Original2023-03-3107652869ns5:ShareCapitalns10:Original2022-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns5:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns5:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2022-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns10:RegisteredOffice2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Originalns5:ComputerEquipment2022-04-012023-03-3107652869ns10:Original2021-04-012022-03-3107652869ns10:Original2022-03-31
REGISTERED NUMBER: 07652869 (England and Wales)

Unaudited Financial Statements

for the Year Ended 31st March 2023


Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited

Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited (Registered number: 07652869)

Contents of the Financial Statements
for the Year Ended 31st March 2023


Abridged Balance Sheet 1

Notes to the Financial Statements 3

Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited (Registered number: 07652869)

Abridged Balance Sheet
31st March 2023

2023 2022
Notes £    £    £    £   
Tangible assets 5 223 389

Stocks 3,612 3,311
Debtors 966 383
Cash at bank 16,583 12,974
21,161 16,668
Amounts falling due within one year 16,205 12,251



Called up share capital 100 100
Retained earnings 5,079 4,706

The company is entitled to exemption from audit under Section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31st March 2023.

The members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2023 in accordance with Section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.

The director acknowledges his responsibilities for:
(a)ensuring that the company keeps accounting records which comply with Sections 386 and 387 of the Companies Act 2006 and
(b)preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of each financial year and of its profit or loss for each financial year in accordance with the requirements of Sections 394 and 395 and which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 relating to financial statements, so far as applicable to the company.

Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited (Registered number: 07652869)

Abridged Balance Sheet - continued
31st March 2023

The financial statements have been prepared and delivered in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

All the members have consented to the preparation of an abridged Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2023 in accordance with Section 444(2A) of the Companies Act 2006.

In accordance with Section 444 of the Companies Act 2006, the Statement of Income and Retained Earnings has not been delivered.

The financial statements were approved by the director and authorised for issue on 3rd September 2023 and were signed by:

Mr. M J Adams - Director

Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited (Registered number: 07652869)

Notes to the Financial Statements
for the Year Ended 31st March 2023


Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited is a private company, limited by shares , registered in England and Wales. The company's registered number and registered office address are as below:

Registered number: 07652869

Registered office: Kings Lodge
London Road
West Kingsdown
TN15 6AR

The presentation currency of the financial statements is the Pound Sterling (£).


These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland" including the provisions of Section 1A "Small Entities" and the Companies Act 2006.


Basis of preparing the financial statements
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

Revenue recognition
Sales comprise the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the rendering of services in the ordinary course of the company's activities. Sales are presented, net of value-added tax, rebates and discounts. The company recognises revenue when the amount of revenue can be reliably measured, it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and when specific criteria have been met for each of the company's activities as follows:

Revenue from the sale of services is recognised at the point at which those services have been provided to the customer. Where payments are received from customers in advance of services provided, the amounts are recorded as deferred income and included as part of creditors due within one year.

Tangible fixed assets
Depreciation is provided at the following annual rates in order to write off each asset over its estimated useful life.
Computer equipment - 25% on cost

Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value, after making due allowance for obsolete and slow moving items.

Specialist Tobacco Guidance Limited (Registered number: 07652869)

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31st March 2023


Basic financial assets
Basic financial assets, which include debtors and cash and bank balances, are initially measured at transaction price including transaction costs and are subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method unless the arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, where the transaction is measured at the present value of the future receipts discounted at a market rate of interest. Financial assets classified as receivable within one year are not amortised.

Basic financial liabilities
Basic financial liabilities, including creditors and loans from fellow group companies are initially recognised at transaction price unless the arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, where the debt instrument is measured at the present value of the future payments discounted at a market rate of interest. Financial liabilities classified as payable within one year are not amortised.

Financial instruments
The company only enters into basic financial instrument transactions that result in the recognition of financial assets and liabilities like trade and other debtors and creditors, loans from banks and other third parties, loans to related parties and investments in ordinary shares.

Debt instruments (other than those wholly repayable or receivable within one year), including loans and other accounts receivable and payable, are initially measured at present value of the future cash flows and subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Debt instruments that are payable or receivable within one year, typically trade debtors and creditors, are measured, initially and subsequently, at the undiscounted amount of the cash or other consideration expected to be paid or received. However, if the arrangements of a short-term instrument constitute a financing transaction, such as the payment of a trade debt deferred beyond normal business terms or in case of an out-right short-term loan that is not at market rate, the financial asset or liability is measured, initially at the present value of future cash flows discounted at a market rate of interest for a similar debt instrument and subsequently at amortised cost, unless it qualifies as a loan from a director.

Financial assets that are measured at cost and amortised cost are assessed at the end of each reporting period Basic financial assets'or objective evidence of impairment. If objective evidence of impairment is found, an impairment loss is recognised in the profit and loss.


The average number of employees during the year was 1 (2022 - 1 ) .

At 1st April 2022
and 31st March 2023 2,414
At 1st April 2022 2,025
Charge for year 166
At 31st March 2023 2,191
At 31st March 2023 223
At 31st March 2022 389