

DAVID JOHN BEARRYMAN is a company officer from Epsom Surrey. This person was born in December 1958, which was over 65 years ago. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 33 company roles.
Companies associated with this officer had at least £664,868 shareholder value in recent accounts.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to OSTRAKON SECURITIES LIMITED on 2007-08-24.


2 Norman Avenue
KT17 3AB


Company Appointments - Current and Previous

CompanyName Company Status Role Appointed Appointment Status Assets
OSTRAKON SECURITIES LIMITED Dissolved - no longer trading or on registry Secretary 2007-08-24 CURRENT
BGH RISK SOLUTIONS LIMITED Dissolved - no longer trading or on registry Secretary 2007-08-16 until 2010-08-05 RESIGNED
WPL RUNOFF LIMITED Liquidation Secretary 2007-05-30 until 2014-09-30 RESIGNED
D.L.E. SERVICES LIMITED Active Secretary 2007-04-24 until 2014-07-31 RESIGNED £342,482 equity
D.L. ENTERPRISES LIMITED Active Secretary 2007-04-24 until 2014-07-31 RESIGNED £322,386 equity
WINDSOR LIMITED Dissolved - no longer trading Secretary 2007-03-21 until 2014-09-30 RESIGNED
ANTHONY K. FALCON LIMITED Dissolved - no longer trading or on registry Secretary 2005-06-01 until 2007-03-07 RESIGNED
CONDOR PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY LIMITED Dissolved - no longer trading or on registry Secretary 2005-06-01 until 2007-05-02 RESIGNED
WPIL LIMITED Liquidation Secretary 1998-05-18 until 2010-08-05 RESIGNED
OSTRAKON RUNOFF LIMITED Liquidation Secretary 1998-05-07 until 2010-08-05 RESIGNED
WIBL RUNOFF LIMITED Liquidation Secretary 1998-05-05 until 2010-08-05 RESIGNED
WINDSOR PROPERTIES LTD. Dissolved - no longer trading Secretary 1998-03-14 until 2007-03-19 RESIGNED
WINDSOR INSURANCE BROKERS (UK) LIMITED Dissolved - no longer trading Secretary 1998-03-14 until 2007-02-12 RESIGNED
LANDER EBERLI SHORTER (AVIATION) LTD Dissolved - no longer trading or on registry Secretary 1998-03-14 until 2007-02-26 RESIGNED
BOROUGH RUN-OFF SERVICES LTD. Dissolved - no longer trading Secretary 1998-03-14 until 2007-05-17 RESIGNED
WINDSOR SERVICES LTD. Dissolved - no longer trading Secretary 1998-03-14 until 2007-03-19 RESIGNED
WINDSOR TRUSTEES LIMITED Dissolved - no longer trading Secretary 1998-03-14 until 2007-05-17 RESIGNED

Related People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
MR DAVID PHILIP HOWDEN Company Director London, United Kingdom 33
MR GRAHAM ALAN FAUX Chartered Accountant London, United Kingdom 41
BRIAN EDWARD HASLER Chartered Secretary Sevenoaks 38
DAVID ROBERT BAKER Accountant Shrewsbury 17
ROGER STEPHEN MAJOR Reinsurance Broker High Halden 3
ANDREW KEITH PALLETT Insurance Broker Hornchurch 1
JOHN KEITH RANDALL Insurance Broker Brentwood 4
MR JOHN SHEPHERD Insurance Broker Woodford Green 4
ANNETTE WILSON Chartered Accountant London 16
MR BRIAN ARTHUR COOK Insurance Broker Sevenoaks 4
MR GEORGE PETER GUNN Co Director Wakefield 4
MR MICHAEL DAVID EAGLES Insurance Broker Denham 19
MR JOHN DUNCAN IRVINE BENNETT Managing Director Ipswich, England 8
MR CHARLES HENRY DICCON EARLE Businessman London, United Kingdom 23
JULIAN ROBIN LOVATT Company Director Crowborough 3
JACKIE DRAPER Personnel + Admin Manager Woking 1
JOHN ROLAND HOBBS Insurance Executive Gravesend 2
JASON KEVIN PULLE Accountant Telford 1
MR WILLIAM DAVID BLOOMER Solicitor London, United Kingdom 52

Nearby People

Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
JOHN MICHAEL Epsom, United Kingdom 1
DAVID BEARRYMAN Surrey, United Kingdom 1
DOCTOR RICHARD JOHN COWLARD Medical Practicioner Epsom 2